It can be, if you don't deal with it properly. I don't have room to say more, so write me and I'll say more then, k?
2006-10-29 09:15:41
answer #1
answered by Ayumi 23 3
RUN 4 THE HILLS GIRLS, unfortunately YES, y because u have to realize that u r violent and if u cant control it completely u r only going to hurt more women in realationships u must grab a whole to ur anger and tell ur self im bigger than that i can walk away rom a woman no matter how much she has pissed me off ..i can speak out for i have had a violent man in my 4 1/2 year realationship once before but he had to want to stop just like u keep in touch and i dont mean with ur fist on a womans face
2006-10-29 17:09:21
answer #2
answered by 1plum 4
I recommend you seek some counseling, but mostly I recommend you read both of Jukes' books:
"Men who batter women" and "Why men hate women"
When you read this, try and see what has contributed to your own violence, your own feelings of ineadequacy or your needs for control in your life. Resolving from a neutral point of view (alone or with a counselor) will raise your chances of recovery.
You will also need to realize, that like an alcoholic, your "problem" may remain under the surface for years if not forever. Always tell your potential girlfriends that you were previously "violent", this will allow them to make the decision if they wish to remain and try it or of they'd rather go on. Allow them to chosse. Then when you do sense things are going wrong, be kind to remove yourself from the relationship, the environment and seek counseling immediately.
You have an injured past, that hurts. I hope you take my advice! Good luck!
2006-10-29 17:20:07
answer #3
answered by schnikey 4
That would all depend on whether you have sought help professionally for your anger problem. I'm wondering what the thing is that triggered your anger and agression in the past.Ask yourself what your thoughts are when you are angry and acting out.If you dont work it out you could continue to have a problem no matter how nice this new girl is.
2006-10-29 17:15:30
answer #4
answered by Allie 1
violent? do u mean that u hit her? that could be a threat. just try to keep ur temper. and if u feel like ur going to lose it... walk away. take urelf out of the situation. or try takeing kick boxing lessons. that can sometimes help w/ anger. it helps me.
2006-10-29 17:07:17
answer #5
answered by Emy 3
Yes! You could take out your violent tendencies on the girl!
2006-10-29 17:07:16
answer #6
answered by Miss J 7
umm YEA! mostly ALL girls are afraid of violence...they dont want to be hurt physically. and even if your not violent anymore, girls will still be afraid of the past repeated itself.
2006-10-29 17:10:34
answer #7
answered by Kerry 2
no , i was stoped by the police 5 times for beating some one now i am going out with the nices girl i no
2006-10-29 17:09:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It could be. How far in the past is the violence and have you sought help to deal with your issues.
2006-10-29 17:11:40
answer #9
answered by goaliegirl 2
2006-10-29 17:08:17
answer #10
answered by nonsteroidalantianalgesic 3