Can't get a girlfriend?
Bloody hell - how many women do you need flinging themselves at you?
First there was Ting Tong, then Gladys, then the chip shop woman, me and I know for a fact that Alice B would be up for it.
Problem with you is that you are too choosy.
2006-10-29 09:54:50
answer #1
answered by Hello Dave 6
well, dating agencies are a good start if you're a bit shy. Direct Date is a good one, but a little expensive. think face party is free. If you're looking for a minger, then Girlsdate4free is defiantly for you. However, you probably won't get any responses unless you put up a photo. Even then, you still have to work at it. send a generic reply out to everyone in your area, and see what happens. U'll need a few questions to ask if they get back to you so plan in advance. If you do end up meeting, you will need more ice-breaking questions without looking too eager. the treat them mean concept works to the extent that most girl are looking for an Alpha male of sorts, not someone who is desperate, so its wise to put on an act. When she sees your confidence, u'll start to feel it. there are also lots of good books on the subject of being a pickup artist. Get researching and good luck!
2006-10-29 09:58:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
What a silly question. Of course by calling girls mingers they will go out with you. Keep up the good work!
2006-10-30 01:09:40
answer #3
answered by iwatchedthestarsfallsilently 2
Any small town will have a pub with a late nite lisence in a back room which will be known as "sticky carpet! " Go there and at 01.55 go up the minginest girl and tell her she is so sexy and you would love to take her home for a ride!!! Then, buy her chips!! You will now have a girlfriend!!
Failing that....PAY!
2006-10-29 11:38:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The fact that you refer to women as mingers should be a clue....
2006-10-29 09:08:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
firstley huni.. us girls arnt mingers... and that isnt going to get you far refering us to that.. i truely believe that theres som1 out there for every1 and 1 day that will happen to you.. but you really need to change yr out luck.. try a dating site.. i have n ive met som1 very special... but somtimes you can look to hard.. she might be nearer to you than you think... good luck huni x
2006-10-29 09:51:59
answer #6
answered by cathrin j 2
Even a Minger doesnt want to be referred to as a Minger ....................... change your attitude or accept a life time of monkey spanking.................... the choice is yours
2006-10-29 08:46:13
answer #7
answered by Tipster 1
ur mother is the only person who will ever love u (but i don't know y??)... i believe u made that clear in a few past questions u posted... even if u looked like Brad Pitt u wouldn't stand a chance cos it's clear ur an total w4nker....
2006-10-29 08:56:04
answer #8
answered by thenickistar 3
Well I think that if you look anything like your picture, its no wonder you don't have a girlfriend. Hit the gym, then maybe you can get a girl!
2006-10-29 08:46:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I just read one of your previous questions, in which you suggested that girls who wear mini-skirts deserve to be raped. If that's your attitude to women then they are better off without you.
Go get a life.
2006-10-29 09:20:07
answer #10
answered by colin.christie 3