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I have only seen demons

2006-10-29 02:32:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

My mother told me how an invisible hand took her wheel and would lt her get in Alane of traffic she try ed again but the hand held the wheel firm, then a transfer truck went by going fifty, she was wonderfully christian. I woke to a greenish light in the room when I was four years old, I woke scared to death. I didn't wont to look over but I did, there were five maybe four demons about a foot and a half long flying around my brothers bed, one looked at me I screamed but no sound came out, I put my head down till the light went away, my brother turned out evil , he told me once he was afraid to die cause he might go to hell.cant tell you more about angels or demons, I know that they are there.I trust in god and ask gods guidance thru the spirit of god. every one has a free will. and are at there own certain level of experience spiritually, God is eternal. our souls our eternal,ow let me tell you this My new wife and I were at my parents home, the phone rang mother answered it,a veteranrian was calling for my wife she had put in an application to work with him Mother held the phone away from her and said loudly, Hes evil dont have anything to do with this man. she got the job, anyway. he snorted coke at work, crazy like, I met him, eyes moveing all around not looking at me, when we talked, he latter killed his adoptive parents, looked like mother was right, when you have the spirit of god in you , you know evil.and just because you have seen demons doesnt mean they can harm you our influince you.if you belive and have excepted the spirit of god in you, trust in the spirit to protect you dont worry .worry is doubting , dont doubt .doubt cuts you off from the spirit, god be with you. and protect you.

2006-10-29 03:00:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i became in a vehicle smash that made my coronary heart stop for a quick time. i became no longer waiting to wake for a week and that i became bedridden for a pair months. the entire time i thought God or an angel became chatting with me letting me understand he became there and to be solid and my time has no longer yet come. It became humorous, each and every time i attempted to look i'd see no longer something yet I continually felt a presence. I also have a great style of comments with encounters with ghosts of my late mom and likewise of Jesus and angels. i do no longer desire to waste my time or yours so in case you desire to hearken to greater, email. i'm hoping i became effectual.

2016-10-03 02:00:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Two answers. Both related to each other.

1) What is created in the mind can manifest in our physical reality.

2) The energy that is "put out there" (read - your thoughts) will attract energy in kind back to you.

In short, we create our own reality so perhaps you should be giving some thought to what it is you are creating!

2006-10-29 02:41:00 · answer #3 · answered by gjstoryteller 5 · 1 0

I am very sorry to hear that.Holy Angels have saved my life and the lives of other family members.Try Prayer, to bring god into your life.We did not pray when sudden death was upon us, no
time, then.

2006-10-29 02:39:12 · answer #4 · answered by gwhiz1052 7 · 1 0

i too was of negative mind such as yourself, seeing only the bad; but you must look harder for the good because the bad is so big and noisy and so "out there" and my friend , the good is always quiet and patient, so look closer, listen harder, be dearer; your angel is right there with you and always has been.

2006-10-29 02:36:55 · answer #5 · answered by micheleseptember 2 · 0 0

I'm sorry. That is sad. I have only encountered one demon. Maybe it's your expectations? Expect good and pure love and you'll attract it.

2006-10-29 02:35:33 · answer #6 · answered by a_delphic_oracle 6 · 0 0

I don't mean to offend anyone, but if you believe in evil or have evil in your heart, you will encounter creatures accordingly.

When you have goodness in your heart, you will only experience good, e.g. angels.

2006-10-29 02:41:30 · answer #7 · answered by Sexy Eyes 2 · 2 0

Everyone else has a better dealer than you.

2006-10-29 02:54:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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