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2006-10-29 01:42:09 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Other - Health

19 answers

I have read through many questions and answers on jabs and shots and it appears that many people have had bad side effects. There was a cliam from one person that a relation of hers died from it!

I do not recommend any jabs.

Do NOT get vaccinated.

A vaccinated person is MORE likely to get a disease than a non-vaccinated person. The whole theory of vaccination is flawed. It causes a weakening of the immune system thus making those who are innoculated more susceptible to disease.
There are so many awful side effects to vaccination that it should be considered extremely dangerous.
Just sit back and think for a while.
Is there any sense in injecting a disease directly into your body.
We have been subjected to an awful mind control program to enable the drug manufacturers to make a fortune.

The Vaccination Hoax

If you go to the vaccination liberation web page, at
You will find all the forms necessary to provide exemption for your child.

If you want to study the history of vaccination, see

2006-10-29 11:49:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I suffer from asthma and I had the flu jab for the first time last autumn. In the couple of days following the jab I was running a temperature and was getting headaches which I normally never suffer from. In the year since having the jab I have had more colds than I have had in the last five years! It has seemed that as soon as I fought off one I caught another. My husband is a nurse in the military and he thinks it may just be down to the fact that I was run down due to having a new baby and this might not have helped my immune system but I can't help thinking the jab may have played a thought and I am a bit reluctant to have it again this year. I probably will have it though because even having colds all the time is better than ending up on a ventilator in hospital 'cos you got flu!

2006-10-29 01:57:33 · answer #2 · answered by wattie 3 · 0 0

I had my first every flu jab last year, and an hour later ended up in A&E with a severe allergic reaction. I had a rash all over, my face and throat swelled up and I needed iv steroids and antihistamines. It was obviously one of the ingredients that did it, but I can't have the flu jab ever again. After that, I'd rather just have the flu as it was very scary.

2006-10-29 03:17:22 · answer #3 · answered by Nurse Soozy 5 · 1 0

I am asthmatic and have been getting the flu jab for years.
Apart from a sore arm i have never had any side effects.

2006-10-29 12:23:43 · answer #4 · answered by sharon e 1 · 0 0

I have had the flu jab for the last 4years and i have never suffered any side effects at all.

2006-10-29 01:47:26 · answer #5 · answered by tom s 2 · 1 0

I had a flu jab 2 years in the past as I certainly have bronchial asthma, the sole component effects I have been given became somewhat warfare elevating my left arm to sign the bus i became catching and then feeling style of "heavy" for the the remainder of the day. different than for that became ok.

2016-11-26 01:55:47 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The vaccine contains no live virus and cannot therefore cause ‘flu. but they might become unwell for a few days after but make sure u have it if u have chronic heart conditions, chronic respiratory conditions (including asthma), chronic kidney disease, diabetes or lowered immunity due to HIV, steroid drugs or cancer treatment
also some years you could be fine with it and other time you might feel unwel this is because they change the jab each year

2006-10-29 07:11:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I've had a shot for maybe seven of the last ten years. A couple times they ran out before I could get one. At best I had no side effects at all. Other times I had only the slightest soreness in the arm for five or six hours -- not even enough to take a pain reliever. I didn't even notice it unless I thought about it! At worst (and I think this was just one year) I had flu-like symptoms for several hours. But they were far milder and briefer than the flu, itself! It's well worth it, to me.

I've had the flu and it's miserable! The worst symptoms may be over in a week, but you can feel tired and even depressed (a known symptom) for weeks.

Someone mentioned getting the flu the one year they got the shot. While I don't dispute that happened or could happen, the question was about side effects. Since the vaccine is comprised of dead viruses, one cannot get the flu from the shot. In other words, that was not a side effect. The disease had to come from the usual sources, and was due to a strain which wasn't included in the vaccine for that year, or to the fact that the vaccine isn't 100% effective at preventing even the included strains from taking hold--especially in elderly patients.

Someone else mentioned getting more colds than usual since receiving the shot. Again, I don't dispute this. But again, I strongly doubt it was related to the shot. Those are two different viruses (even if the shot could induce the disease), and I can't see any correlation between the two events. So to that person I'd say go ahead and get the shot again, as you said you probably would--and don't worry.

Another poster, whom I've seen on other related questions, suggests not getting the shot at all. That is a matter of choice, but I disagree completely. Nothing personal, but his sources are questionable, at best.

Many claims made by the paranoia-ruled anti-vaccination crowd are decades outdated (with citations from the 1920s!), many are without substantiation, and the presentations are rife with sloppiness and unreason. I found nothing of credible, scientific merit in the arguments against vaccination. It was all about misinformation and emotion. As with everything else, you must consider your sources.

There is a lot of fear about immunizations of all kinds, spread by people who may be well-meaning but are misinformed. The flu shot, like many other vaccines, has done wonders at preventing large-scale outbreaks of a feared disease, with comparatively little downside.

The ant-vaccination poster says there seem to be many people reporting bad side effects, but then just goes on to paste the same unsubstantiated statements, verbatim, which I've seen on at least two other questions, warning people off the shot. I don't know what his agenda is, but the research he cites isn't very credible.

He asks, "Is there any sense in injecting a disease directly into your body." The answer is, you're not injecting a disease into your body, and yes -- there's a lot of sense in injecting the dead virus! That is precisely what tells the immune system to begin the production of antibodies. The antibodies are created to deactivate the three viruses in the vaccine, which are the ones chosen by scientists in the health field as most likely to spread and cause trouble in the current virus season. It's an imperfect but elegant solution to a very old problem!

Addressing his other point... yes, maybe there do seem to be a number of people who've posted about bad side effects. But those people are the ones most *likely* to post, in my opinion. Also, a few of them have explained allergic-type problems (which is well known and well cautioned against when you get your shot), and there are far more people getting immunized who have no problems at all.

Even babies are safe. The recent Discovery Channel article (linked below) says, "Researchers studied 45,000 U.S. children, ages 6 to 23 months old, and found almost no side effects requiring medical treatment during the six weeks after the youngsters were vaccinated."

I intend to go on getting my shot every year! It's very comforting knowing I have a much lesser chance of suffering the flu, and that even if I get it (which hasn't happened since I started getting the shot) the symptoms will likely be milder. It takes so little time, money, and discomfort versus the alternative!

I've listed my sources below, all of which are credible, and one of which (CSICOP) I know very well and trust without reservation as a voice of science and reason... which happens to be my motivation in getting the word out about the flu shot.

Down with misinformation and fear... up with facts, reason, and health!

2006-10-31 10:09:35 · answer #8 · answered by Question Mark 4 · 3 0

I had it last weekend, felt like crap for 3 days & my arm was aching with a big red mark, I also had the phumonia jab so it could have been that i guess.

2006-10-29 01:59:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

some of the elderly patients i had got flu like symptons- i know this sounds silly but they did- however, they did not die from them- but some died from the previous years flu epidemics when they did not have the jab.

2006-10-29 01:45:01 · answer #10 · answered by brainlady 6 · 0 0

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