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because people would be inhibited to get as drunk on january 1st if it was his birthday

2006-10-28 23:18:59 · answer #1 · answered by heyrobo 6 · 0 0

Because the Church at the time wanted to eradicate the pagan faith and convert people to Christianity so Constantine the Roman Emperor after he converted to Christianity and made it the faith of the Empire, allowed the populace to keep the old rituals of Easter and Winter Solstice just with the banner of Christianity above them instead, in order to make sure that people were happy to convert. Winter Solstice became Christmas, and ever wonder why it's called Easter? Nothing to do with Christ's resurrection, all to do with Estrogen/Oestrogen the time of year when new life comes Lambing season etc. It is believed that Christ may have been born in April, which is the time of year a Census would have been called as in the story. Christmas had nothing to do with making sure Christs birth was celebrated on the correct day, and everything to do with subduing the pagan majority, (who werent even pagan, really just worshipful of nature, far more than we give nature credit for now)
and ensuring a smooth transition to Christianity, the Emperors chosen faith.

2006-10-28 23:45:56 · answer #2 · answered by Bumblebee 3 · 0 0

Christmas (December 25) is an arbitrary day to celebrate the birth of Jesus. It is related to the pagan festival of the winter solstice.

Yes the dating system is supposedly based around the birth of Jesus, and as such January 1 would logically be his birthday, but the calendar was formulated centuries after the time of Jesus and is probably out by 4 years according to the census refered to in the bible, and any exact date is merely conjecture.

2006-10-28 23:22:56 · answer #3 · answered by angle_of_deat_69 5 · 0 0

There is info on the history of the calendar, and how it's been changed.
However, the truth, according to the Bible, is that Christ's birthday is in the fall of the year. He was born in Sept and His birthday is commemorated by the Biblical "Feast of Trumpets;" as a Christian observence. The celebration of Christ's birthday as December 25th, Christmas is Pagan, not Biblical.

2006-10-28 23:32:17 · answer #4 · answered by JoJoCieCie 5 · 0 0

Christs birthday was fixed by the conclave of Bishops in Nicea, I think the year was 463, the dates in the calender we use in the west was produced by Julius Ceasar in around 101 AD, this is why it is referred to as the Julian Calendar. The conclave of Bishops placed Christs birthday over a very important pagan festival, just as they built churches over pagan temples, trying to erradicate previous religions.

2006-10-28 23:24:08 · answer #5 · answered by Patrick R 2 · 0 0

Because no one know what's the exact date of Christ born...it was set it Decembre 25 to change the pagan holidays...
The actual calendar...isn't also an exact one...I mean...it's begining where made by an priest....who thinks that 1 january was a good date to start a new year :)

2006-10-28 23:26:05 · answer #6 · answered by John A 1 · 0 0

Actually the date that is celebrated as the Birth of Christ is actually the conception.

Ponder this:
Luke 3:8 (KJV) And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Hmm?
in winter grass dies so what were the flocks feeding on in the field?

The Bible does not document that on December 25 Christ was born. The Bible does without a doubt document a birth month of Christ which is not December. The most pertinent clue leading to the documentation of the birth month of Christ is the course of Abia....find when that course is and you will be amazed!
( Clues:)
(1) In the book of Luke we find a certain priest, Zacharias, of the course of Abia, and his wife Elisabeth...these are excellent clues leading to the Birth date of Christ....(2)We also see in Luke that when Zacharias finished serving his priestly course (Abia) he departed & went home after those days his wife concieved & hid 5 months. (3) also in Luke the angel tells Mary (when she concieves) that Elisabeth her cousin is 6 mos pregnant.
The Bible documents the month that Christ was concieved and the Month that Christ was born....
Be it conception or be it birth, it's worthy of praise and celebration... for on December 25 Christ came to dwell with mankind.... life begins at conception, Praise God!

2006-10-29 00:06:29 · answer #7 · answered by Tina 2 · 0 1

No one really knows what day Christ was born. We know it wasn't Dec 25 but since no one really knows, they just picked a day that was a holy day (Winter Solstis) in the religion of that day and used it. It would be hard to start a calander on the day of Christ's birth if you don't know what it is.

2006-10-28 23:22:42 · answer #8 · answered by oldguy63 7 · 0 0

Because when the modern calendar system was put together, they had to do it based on an estimation of when it all happened. There was no concrete evidence of the exact year Jesus was born (because the modern calendar system hadn't been invented yet, hurr) so they took as rough estimate and went from there.

As it turns out they were about 8 years off the mark.

2006-10-28 23:23:26 · answer #9 · answered by DoctorScurvy 4 · 0 0

This is the exact question that some of the most esteemed mathematicians, scientists and other clever people were given to establish once and for all what the facts are. After considering all the evidence, documentation and opinions of great Christian thinkers, their conclusion was that it's all a load of claptrap and myth.

2006-10-29 00:44:26 · answer #10 · answered by Musicol 4 · 1 0

It's probably because no one is absolutely sure exactly when Christ was born, and you have to remember that the calander has been changed a few times since he was born anyway.

2006-10-28 23:23:03 · answer #11 · answered by Big Andy 2 · 0 0

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