He might be in clinical depression. If so, a lot of "logic" isn't going to work. He needs to see, even his family doctor, to get help for depression.
You also might point out the thousands of people who travelled to help in disaster relief for Hurricane Katrina and Tsunami Relief. Sure humans cause horrible things, but other humans are there offering a hand.
There are MANY organizations that are working to make the world a better place - with no eye to personal gain. Such as the Red Cross, Big Brothers/Big Sisters and Amnesty International.
Think look the way they do to your friend because EVERYTHING is a matter of perception. He needs to broaden his.
2006-10-28 16:04:44
answer #1
answered by Black Parade Billie 5
This is a hard question because it sounds like your friend has fallen into a deep depression and you may not be able to help him see his way out. He needs to talk to a therapist so that he get help with this depression. Also, I would definetly watch for signs that he might be suicidal, too. If he starts giving things away, talking about committing suicide-even jokingly, or does anything that makes you think he'll end his life you need to contact someone
you can call 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-SUICIDE anytime of day or night if your concerned. Urge him to talk to a counselor or psychologist before these signs happen, would be my advice.
Good luck! I hope this helps and that your friend gets better!
2006-10-28 23:09:07
answer #2
answered by prettytiger23 2
He sounds depressed and antisocial, and is trying to explain himself away.
I'd tell a person who felt that way to join a charity and watch them operate, it's pretty obvious they have a warped sense of humanity.
Or just have him read the occassional sappy story in the news about some hero rescuing a dying woman or something, and ask him to explain it.
2006-10-28 23:06:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well, it sounds like your friend is troubled with depression and grief. Before you get some help for him, you should take him to a nice place, give him some attention..Maybe it is that he feels lonely and needs a friend to talk to.
2006-10-28 23:03:52
answer #4
answered by ladymember 2
In certain situation, words are just not appropriate....but love, true friendship, caring ...etc are....Just hug him and smile and be there for him....You would have at least show him that love is stronger than hate...and true friends heal pains......and make us feel better.....Good luck
2006-10-28 23:05:27
answer #5
answered by Valerie 2
i would say to him that you have to trust people but in this day and age it is hard i would stop if i seen some one that needed help and i would call for help and stay with the person until h elp arrived
2006-10-28 23:05:29
answer #6
answered by kristikay1965 3
tek him to see a psychologist. he needs help and rememebr to always be there for him n watch him so dat he wont do anything like trying to kill himself. ppl like dat are usually very fragile so becareful what u say to him it might shatter him. and try to show him that there is more to life then darkness and death.
2006-10-28 23:04:41
answer #7
answered by Lor 1
not really sure. maybe tell him that if he was on the side of the road dying you would stop for him?????????
2006-10-28 23:04:27
answer #8
answered by thinkofmealwayslver 3
Tell him that playing the "woe is me" type isn't going to get him laid any sooner.
2006-10-28 23:04:35
answer #9
answered by BluntTruth 3
tell him to get over the little pity party. anywhere you look you can find those who have it worse than you. in all likely hood, he just needs to get laid.
2006-10-28 23:04:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous