It sounds like he and your friend has been hiding this from you since you guys been together. I think you should get them both together and ask them if they have been messing around behind your back because if she was truly your friend, she wouldn't have went out with him. Girls don't do that to other girls. If he is acting funny toward you then that means he know what he did was wrong and his guilt is getting the best of him. But don't hold your head down because you are better than that and you know what, something better ALWAYS comes along. You just gotta be patient and wait for it!! And if they have been messing around behind your back, then you tell them how YOU feel and leave it at that and go on about your life happier than ever because you are a lot better off without either one of them. Good luck to you!!
2006-10-28 05:04:25
answer #1
answered by frakmomma04 3
i would be really mad at him cause if he told you in the 7 months he loved you and now you talk to him and he didnt love you then he was lieing the all that time. + he should have broke up with you faster(no affence) but if he didnt love you then he shouldnt have stayed with you thats just not right anyways i dont think it is. Good luck!!!
2006-10-28 12:06:15
answer #2
answered by breannafae h 2
I read the details twice but it is too confusing to answer. Why don't you hit ctrl-alt-del on the whole situation and start over. You are making it to complicated. Keep life as simple as possible.
2006-10-28 12:01:31
answer #3
answered by Senor Pig 3
Sorry honey she is no friend. Friends like her r a dime a dozen. Your true friend would NEVER go out w/ ur X no matter what.Ditch them both..
2006-10-28 12:02:08
answer #4
answered by sassylilb68 2
dont be mad at him just move on get a new boyfriend and be ur other ones friend
2006-10-28 12:01:04
answer #5
answered by Stefani 2
Move on. Words don't mean anything. He could tell you he loves you and tell a hundred other people. Words are just that...words... love _shows_ you that you are loved. Just move on!
You deserve better than him.
2006-10-28 12:02:36
answer #6
answered by tallnfriendlyone 3
i would probably be mad at a guy if they went out w/ me for7 months or if he went out w/me at all if he didnt like me. i would probably ask him y he went out w/ me even though he didnt like me. i wouldnt be friends w/ ne 1 if they lied to me! good luck!
2006-10-28 12:02:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
forget it...............start a new life ............make a new boy friend .......................and ya i am always free if u dont mind .................................
this is -
take care
and please dont cry i dont like girls crying for thier bf
2006-10-28 12:13:41
answer #8
answered by Smarty 2
what the heck! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
2006-10-28 12:00:52
answer #9
answered by Tiffany B 2