Try these exercises:
The Hundred - Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, palms facing down. Bend your legs to form a 90-degree angle so your knees are directly over your hips and your calves are parallel to the floor. Exhale as you contract your abs to lift your head, shoulders, and arms off the floor. Inhale. Press your palms down rhythmically as you exhale five short breaths, pumping your hands with each breath. Then turn your palms up, and press up rhythmically with five short inhales to complete one set. Repeat the sequence as many as nine times, equaling 100 breaths in all. (If you're just starting out, aim for 20 breaths, and gradually increase to 100.) For instruction on the leg extention seen here, an optional more advanced move,
The Bridge - Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Rest your arms at your sides, palms down. Take a deep breath. Exhale as you contract your abs and slowly curl your hips off the floor, using your buttocks and lower back (not your arms) to lift your torso. Support your upper body on your shoulder blades (not your neck), and use your hands only for balance. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds, relax, and repeat once. IMPORTANT: If you have neck pain, skip this exercise.
Single-Leg Circle - Lie on your back with your arms at your sides, your knees bent, and your feet flat on the floor. Extend your right leg toward the ceiling, and point your toes. Exhale, and contract your abs and move leg in a circle, repeat with left leg.
Double-Leg Stretch - Lie on your back with your knees pulled in toward your chest. Rest your hands just below your knees, and exhale as you use your abs to raise your shoulders off the floor. Inhale. Now stretch legs and hands straight out, dont let your shouldres or any other part of the body touch the ground except your botom.
Forward Spine Stretch - Sit with your legs extended hip-width apart in front of you. Your feet should be flexed and your knees slightly bent. Pull your abs in toward your spine. Extend your arms in front of you at chest level, making sure to keep your shoulders relaxed. Bend forward to touch your feet.
The Saw - Sit with your legs extended shoulder-width apart, feet flexed and arms extended out to your sides, at chest level. Pull your abs toward your spine. Swing and touch feet with one hand and then the other, keeping your back straight.
The secret to all these exercises is that you should also tuck your your abs in as much as possible to apply double strain on them.
Another important aspect is that you should jog at least One K thrice a week and watch your diet. Good Luck.rr
2006-10-27 19:04:18
answer #1
answered by Rahul 6
I don't think it is possible to get them in a month unless your already skinny. The way I got an eight pack was eating 5 times a day having very little salt, carbs, and running 3 to 5 miles 4 times a week and on top of that going to the gym for four hours 4times a weeks on average I would only do 100 to 200 crunches and 30 to 40 leg lifts with a weigh on my feet, the important part is diet if you do get abs and you decide to cheat and have more salt than usually you will see by the next day a difference because of the water you are retaining. it took me 5 months to get my eight pack but I could see my abs forming in about a month a 4 pack in 3 months.
2006-10-27 18:51:43
answer #2
answered by Ben V 3
First of all, you are doing too much. I understand that you want to get fab abs but you do not want to make yourself sick or bulk up. I have defined abs, I work out about four times a week. I drink alot of water. I do flutter kicks for about ten minutes, which is basically lifting your feet six inches from the floor and kicking. I also do push ups. Rocky crunches are good. Do not overdo it and put unreal expectations on yourself. I have to work out so much because I am in my 30's and have given birth. Your metabolism is so high right now, it is unbelievable. If I can have defined abs with working out not even half as much as you, so can you. You are young, and obsessing about how you are going to look in a bathing suit is not good. You gotta do things for you and not for the perception of anyone else. Confidence, no matter what your body looks like, walk it, claim it and love it. Rememember that what may work for someone else may not work for you. It is a little frightning to think about a 14 year old in a bikini to me(smile) I am 33 and an old woman compared to you. This is important...ALWAYS TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR, sometimes excessive exercise can do more damage than good. You want to look great on the outside, as well as the inside too. I am sure that you always look great. Remember too there is so many eating disorders and obsessive people over doing it. Because they want to fit an image of their favorite singer or model.I say own it and claim it because I am 5'1". I am slim but curvy and I have a DD! I learned to accept that as who I am, after many years of being self concious and bra snapping in school. So as you can guess this question is near and dear to me. Even if do not get perfect results in time. Still know that you did everything that you could and love the reflection in the mirror.
2016-05-22 02:29:46
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The biggest part to having a great midsection is mostly diet and lots of cardio (oh goodie, right?). Strength training will help with muscular appearance, but it all goes back to getting rid of any fat that might already be there.
2006-10-27 18:54:43
answer #4
answered by spottylover 3
Hi, try downloading my free report which details many abdominal workouts and abdominal exercises and explains how you can lose stomach fat in as little as 10 days.
Download it from
Thanks a lot, James Penn
2006-10-28 03:31:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
First, for all of the "quick and easy" weight loss diet pill suggestions, remember, if something sounds too good to be true... it probably is, particularly if you have to pay for it.
On Yahoo!Answers I find certain questions being asked repeatedly which is simply a reflection of new people participating. A couple of common questions amount to "How do I lose weight," or more specifically, "How do I lose abdominal fat?" I have gotten very positive responses from my answers when I paused to reply (and now beginning to get "It works!" emails that are very gratifying. I like helping people)... so have recently decided to put a good solid answer on my Yahoo!360 Blog (September 10) that I can point people to. These are my thoughts as a physician and athlete.
Don't target losing more than about 2 lbs per week. If you try to lose faster, your body will go into "starvation mode" and get very stingy about burning calories while at the same time very efficient about storing any calories that you do provide. And it will make you feel awful.
There is no site specific way of losing fat... the old myth about working your abs to burn belly fat isn't true. To get rid of love handles, you need to lose overall fat. That happens with exercise and watching your diet. More on that below.
The most effective way to lose fat is aerobic exercise in the "moderate" fat-burning range, ideally first thing in the morning before you eat. When you wake your body is ready to burn fat and your levels of growth hormone are highest at that time. Later in the day it can take up to 30 minutes just to put your body into a fat-burning mode.
Another overlooked way to burn fat is by lifting weights. Skeletal muscle has very high caloric needs... almost twice that of adipose (fat) tissue. Put on a little muscle and you will burn calories all day even at rest. Be aware that skeletal muscle weighs more, so with this approach you may see your weight increasing while your body fat is melting away. Not realizing this often stresses folks who think they should be losing weight as a measure of fitness. Forget the scale, look in the mirror and you will be happy.
To lose a pound of fat, you need to eliminate about 3500 calories. You can do this by burning more with exercise or by modifying your diet to reduce intake. If you do a Google search on say, "swimming calories" you will quickly find a website with tables of calories burned for a given exercise. You can use such lists to estimate how many calories you are burning up with your routine.
For diet, keep a diary for a couple of weeks counting calories, grams of protein, and grams of fat intake. It is easy with online sources of nutritional information (type the name of the food and calories into the Google search engine) and packaging labels. That will let you quickly figure out where the fat is coming from in your diet.
Fat gives you 9 calories per gram. So take the number of grams of fat, multiply by 9, then calculate what percentage the fat calories are of your total daily calories. Restricting the calories from fat to about 20% of your total intake is ideal for a maintenance diet... that isn't overly restrictive. Of note, you need some fat in your diet. For instance, the body uses fat to produce hormones. Once you have a picture of how to modify your diet, you can drop the diary and just go back to it occasionally if you are wanting to tweek things further.
There is a subset of questions that goes further and asks about "How to get a six-pack?" The answer is the same. Six-packs are 20% abdominal exercise and 80% diet. There is one caveat... abdominal muscles will form in the position that you work them, so be certain to pull them tightly toward your spine while doing crunches, etc. Also, during most lifting, the "core is active" which means that you should be stabilizing with contracted abs then too. Fail to do this and the abs will form, but bulging outward and the result is not attractive.
If you are trying to build muscle as a way to lose fat, then you may need to increase total calories and specifically your protein intake. I target about 0.8 g of protein per pound of body weight each day when actively building. That is far more protein than most people need in their diets.
2006-10-28 17:25:45
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
hard work, lots of different exercises ie sit ups , etc. you can find many exercises go to local lib. or store and get a exercise book.
2006-10-27 18:49:46
answer #7
answered by markvivani 2
How to make my stomach flat
2006-10-28 02:21:40
answer #8
answered by juli o 3
I don't think it's that important unless you're overweight or something.
2006-10-27 18:53:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous