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My 2 cats won't use the box.
1 cat is 3 years old.
The other is around 12 years old.
They just won't use the litter box.
What should I do?

From zoehalaczinsky@yahoo.com

2006-10-27 14:10:55 · 14 answers · asked by zoehala98 1 in Pets Cats

14 answers

Could be a couple of reasons. First, is the litterbox immaculately clean ? Some cats won't use a dirty box. Secondly, there's a big age difference between your cats. Maybe there's a problem there where one or the other feels inimidated so then they are afraid to use the box because the other one may be there waiting when they get out. I would try putting 2 seperate litter boxes in the house. Put them well away from one another. Rule of thumb: one litterbox per cat.

2006-10-27 14:14:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Did they ever?
Did you chang the litter? the location?
Has anything in the house changed?
Do you change the box after each use?
Do you have atleast 3 boxes set up? one for each cat and a spare.
Yes to any of the above maybe a reason.
Are they still peeing in the box.
Cats noses are very sensitive and hate smelly boxes. Its like us using a portapotty. Many also do not like to share a box. Is it both cats or jsut one. You should put the cats in their own a bedroom or bathroom with box and their stuff and see if they use it. If not, you could buy attracting litter from the pet store or vet. If its just one cat and nothing has been changed in the house, you should ask a vet. If its just one healthy cat, you put it in a crate to relitter train with just a litter box and enough room for them to lay just outside of the box.

2006-10-27 21:18:04 · answer #2 · answered by nalamacleod 3 · 1 1

Could be several reasons. They don't like the litter, litterbox is too full, feel self-conscious about going, litterbox is too small, etc. Did they just now start this behavior? Did you change anything before it began or did you just get the cats? You should always have a litterbox that has a cover, looks like a cat house or something, with a swinging door on it. This provides them with a secure and private place to use the bathroom and they will respond better to it. Whenever they poop somewhere else, put the poop in the litterbox. The smell being in there will let them know that it's okay to go there.

2006-10-27 21:15:57 · answer #3 · answered by MasLoozinIt76 6 · 2 1

Assuming they used to use the box, something has changed. Have you moved the box? Different litter? Are you not keeping it clean enough? Try changing the type of litter you use and keeping the box super clean. The next step would be to confine the cats to one room with the box to see if they'll start using it again. Also, where are they going? Wherever they seem to like to go, you'll need to discourage them from going there. If these things still don't work, talk to your vet asap!

2006-10-27 21:19:49 · answer #4 · answered by Mrs. Strain 5 · 1 0

have you changed the type of litter you normally use.
have you always had these two cats, or is one new..
Maybe the odor of the litter has built up, in which case, make sure you disinfect the little pan, and change the litter. In these cases, it's always good to have two little pans, for the cleaning.
You may even want to have two pans in use, as one cat may have an odor about it's waste that the other can't tolerate.
Ask a vet for suggestions, and listen to what they say.

2006-10-27 21:44:20 · answer #5 · answered by sassy 6 · 0 0

What I would do if you haven't already is have 2 litter boxes. Then for your cats to get use to using the litter box put them in the litter box let them smell around and then they should start to use the litter box. If that doesn't work try a different brand of litter what i use for my 2 cats is "Fresh Step" and it is the scoopeable kind it works really great.
Good Luck!!

2006-10-27 21:18:44 · answer #6 · answered by bootsy 1 · 2 1

you need a litter box for each cat... they wont go in the same one... well some cats might but yours sounds like they wont... so try buying 2 boxes..... and when they go poop somewhere else put your poop in the litter box so they know thats where they are supposed to poop..... and then show them there poop in the box... thats how I tought my cat. also cats are very clean animals so you need to scoop the poop out at least once a day and actually change and wash the box once a week or maybe more!

2006-10-27 21:21:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, you usually are sapposed to teach them when they are young but in this case try and keep an eye on them and when you think they are about to poop then run them to the litter box. I'm not completely sure if it will work so you can also ask a vet because they're really good at any pet stuff.

2006-10-27 21:19:13 · answer #8 · answered by Emmaaa 1 · 2 0

Just pour cat litter all over your floor. When you find where they normally go put the box there.

2006-10-27 21:19:24 · answer #9 · answered by The Man 5 · 1 1

to get my cats to use the (kitty) box i had to train 2. 2 months each time

2006-10-27 21:20:24 · answer #10 · answered by Beka. 2 · 1 0

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