Richard Branson - incredible business guy who made millions and millions after dropping out of high school at 16.
2006-10-27 13:56:04
answer #1
answered by Pierre D 2
JRR Tolkien, the author of the books "The Hobbit" and the "Lords of the Rings" Trilogy did make it from rags to riches. His parenrs died, him and his brother went to an orphanage, then he gets into very good schools, fights in the war, goes to Oxford, becomes friends with some of the best Brit writers which became his friends and helped him with their feedback on the book "The Hobbitt". he gets married, has a family yet comes up with a Middle Earth, the characters, etc, uses his experiences through the books as characters, has the books published, makes money and dies! i know all this info because i had to write a research paper and part of it was on him-his life!
2006-10-27 22:54:23
answer #2
answered by icycrissy27blue 5
This tale is achievable and that i comprehend a familywith an analogous tale. yet your tale isn't a real "rags to riches" tale. by way of fact with the intention to income drugs or dentistry you may already be knowledgeable and this guidance or so-referred to as "cultural capital potential you're no longer beginning from "rags". it quite is a lot harder for somebody with out any hassle-loose guidance to alter into rich. besides the undeniable fact that it does ensue. I even have seen people right here in England who used inexpensive credit and the housing bubble to get rich speedy.
2016-10-16 11:44:23
answer #3
answered by ? 4
George Lucas
2006-10-27 21:48:47
answer #4
answered by yama 3
My fellow Tennessean: Dolly Parton
2006-11-04 07:46:25
answer #5
answered by Pearl 6
Bill Gates didn't start with wads of money...and I don't think he was particularly concerned about his wardrobe -- initially anyhow.
2006-10-27 14:52:46
answer #6
answered by pat z 7
me opened my own snack bar busniess
2006-11-03 09:51:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
2006-11-02 02:39:20
answer #8
answered by prettypalmbeacher 2