Have them pay a fine, get them to do some paper work and get them paying taxes.
2006-10-27 10:41:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The FIRST thing that should happen is ALL companies be given 30 days to VARIFY the citizenship of ALL there employees. After that 30 days is up ALL businesses found to have Illegals working for them should be fined No Less than 1 Million dollars for Every single Illegal employed by that company. Once ALL Illegals become Unemployed here with No Hope of getting any employment Most will return home on there own. Some will stay and resort to Crime. Those who do this will get arrested and sent to prison in due time. Any company found to not be able to Fill these so called Jobs Americans wont do MUST Prove there case before a Review board. After which Employment visa's would be issued so that Employees could be brought into teh US LEGALLY after they have a check of there possible Criminal backgrounds. Those who are permitted in Under work Visas would be on Probation. If they work here Stay Crime free for a period of No more than 5 years they would be granted citizenship. But they Must be able to speak enough English to be able to at least communicate with people. I believe 5 years is plenty of time to learn a second langauge.
2006-10-27 11:51:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
We should start rounding them up and shipping them back to Mexico.
No matter how many are here, every journey starts with the first step. lets load em up.
Every time a police officer pulls over a car with illegals they should be arrested and the border patrol be notified to pick them up.
I remember years ago, you couldn't hardly go twenty miles on the freeway without seeing a border patrol bus headed to Mexico loaded to the max.
Our borders do not need a fence, all the fences there now do not stop a single person.
Now if America was to put up a six foot fence at the border and then lay a fifty foot wide mine field then another six foot fence. THE BORDER IS CLOSED.
Of course both fences would be loaded with warning signs. Saying if you cross the fence you will die!!!!
I know it sounds terrible.
You know what is terrible, Americans paying taxes to feed, educate,and pay the health costs of thousands of illegals.
Most of the jobs these illegals do are for CASH and while they put the CASH in their pockets, they have their hands out for welfare and medical and any other aid they can sign up for.
Believe me they have a network that instructs them in how to get every thing they can get.
Pay taxes? maybe 1 in 20. Most have phony SS cards but let one of them get hurt.
Just go to any SSI office and try to get in it is wall to wall Mexicans, signing up to try to get money. From a system they have never paid into.
These poeple do not want to be Americans, they won't even try to learn our language. No they demand that we Americans learn spanish. Our schools are overwhelmedtrying to teach classes where half the students don't understand english.
If they really want a good education. Why is it that in Los Angles the hispanic drop out rate is running around 65%.
We can't really do anything. Our government will not take any measures to protect the borders. Instead they want to welcome them and make them citizens.
I am not a racist, I am against any one stealing their way into our country and sucking up all the milk and honey they can get. Without doing one thing for it. Except demanding more.
They say their not criminals. Excuse me a criminal is a person that breaks the law.
They broke American law coming here and are breaking it every day they remain, that makes all of them
Sorry got carried away. LOL
2006-10-27 11:29:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Deport All Illegal Aliens
AND Their Illegal Alien Anchor Babies
Upon Discovery
Realistic Enough ?
2006-10-27 10:58:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
This is a real tough question,,,,, I personally think that all the illegals should go back home,,,, and that includes all of them,,,,,whether they be from Ireland, China ,Mexico, or wherever else. I hate the fact that they only want to focus illegals with the Latin community,, there is alot of diversity with the people who come into the country undocumented. And the only reason I say that they should go back home,, is because they are over populating our country. America on the other hand, is kinda contradicting itself in being the land of the free. Dont say that you are the "land of the free, and home of the brave". if you are not gonna stick to what you say you are.
2006-10-27 11:00:43
answer #5
answered by aquarius 1
Enforce the freaking law. That's what. Dry up the jobs and you'll see MASS self-deportation. Simple as that. No wall, no patrol, no legislation is as powerful as simply arresting those who hire illegals and send a message to the world that we do business by the book (yes, that goes for Halliburton too!).
We don't need tanks or the ICE or sheriffs to do much. We need an investigative office in the local FBI branch to track down likely employers of illegal labor and throw 'em in the slammer. Hurts the small business man? TOO BAD. There's a balance we must strike between free pursuit of profit and social/cultural discipline and fortitude. For 20 years, no price has been paid by the employer, and a heavy one by taxpayers and illegals alike. It is time for the Central American nations who abuse their poor to take responsibility and it is time for Washington to enforce its laws. That's what they're there for. As the jobs dry up, so does the illegal immigrant problem. It's not fair to those who bust their tails here already, because the reward and the opportunity window continues to shrink. That's not America, at least not one I'd be proud of.
Realistically, there are opportunities for physical and non-skilled laborers in the USA. A comprehensive 12 month, government and industry funded study should take place to measure the current and future requirements of that need and attempt to address it by using legal workers first, and then layer in the legalization of others where there are jobs that are truly open and require the current workforce to be augmented by laborers outside our borders. The military, agriculture, hospitality and manufacturing are not among those who should be seeking workers outside our borders, there are plenty here, if wages are of living standard. The problem is not the illegal immigration, it's the creation of a duality in the workforce: those who are satisfied working for peanuts and those who are not. In my opinion, we should pay more than peanuts, and we should be creative in our legislation and business planning, rather than succumb to the illegal and lowest common denominator. It's time America uses more of her brains and less of her brawn when it comes to business. That's how I see it.
2006-10-27 10:54:36
answer #6
answered by rohannesian 4
Same thing that is already done with illegals: Deport them. It's the prescribed punishment.
Although, Renee has a point. National Sales Tax, removes the need for employers to pay Income Tax, and then becomes a burden of the purchaser. Those who buy more pay more, regardless of nationality. It's fair and gives no regard to financial status, making all pay their fair share.
2006-10-27 10:42:38
answer #7
answered by sjsosullivan 5
rohannise (or whatever) has it right. eliminate the conditions that temp illeagal immagrants and the problem goes away. with no work they will deport thmselves just as they imported themselves, one by one and by themselves. no round-ups or busses or jails would be needed. but is hard for the government to crack down on the (illegal) enterprise of non-whites for fear of being racist.
in this current climate, cracking down on the largely white business owners who are the partners in this crime is perhaps the most realistic solution.
of course stopping the government hand outs would also be a huge help but again the race issue makes this impracticle.
eventually we will abondon this "political correctness" or succum to it.
2006-10-27 11:24:39
answer #8
answered by karl k 6
It's completely realistic to expect our government to deport each and every one of the illegals - regardless of their nation of origin - back to where they came from.
In the 1950's we were able to deport 1 MILLION illegal aliens in 1 YEAR.
Surely, 50 years later, we are better equipped to at least double or triple that amount in one year...and in ten years, we should be rid of them all.
2006-10-27 11:39:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The government owns and runs AMTRAC. They should run one train everyday throughout the southwest picking up illegals that have been apprehended by law enforcement who drop them off at designated depots. The train should run at least to the border or as far into Mexico as possible. The trains could supply them with food, water and medical treatment on their journey home.
2006-10-27 11:05:23
answer #10
answered by HeyDude 3
Get rid of the personal income tax and create a National Sales Tax...that way everybody (including those with an illegal) status are paying into the system.
2006-10-27 10:42:22
answer #11
answered by Renee 3