I think she is shy,, my pup recovered also, and so far no difference in her, good luck.
2006-10-27 10:26:51
answer #1
answered by avery 6
I have a yellow lab that contracted parvo from the vet when he went in to get his second shots from the vet. It was a horrible experience, however, he survived. Your puppy depending on the treatment and isolation it received because of the disease has been through a tramatic experience. You need to reassure her, make sure she is eating well and watch her behavior. Parvo takes some time for them to recooperate even after they are out of danger from them dying. It is a 50/50 chance they will survive. Let your puppy know you are friendly with treats and affections, your puppy has probably spent a couple of weeks being poked, proded, and felt horrible, she just needs reassurance. Things will be fine.
2006-10-27 17:35:51
answer #2
answered by CJ 1
I think she's just still recovering. Parvo is a vicious sickness, it strips the lining of the intenstines and makes so the infected puppy can't absorb any nutrients from what it eats. It's good she recovered, but give her some time to get her full strength back. If in another week she's still not very playful, take her to the vet.
2006-10-27 17:28:49
answer #3
answered by crzychca 3
After going through the parvo, the treatments & recovery she may be a bit nervous. Just go slowly. Sit on the floor (get down to her level) & pet her, talk to her & let her get use to feeling better & use to you. She went through quite an ordeal, she is just a baby & it may just take some time to get adjusted. She has only been with you a week, so she doesn't really even know you. BE PATIENT & LOVING!!! Offer little treats. just sit on the floor & brush her, BOND with her....
Good Luck!!
2006-10-27 17:37:14
answer #4
answered by More Lies & More Smoke Screens 6
No, I had a dog survive parvo, and he didnt have any lingering affects. I think she may just need to be socialized. Course we had another dog that was so shy she was afraid of her own shadow and evetually had to be put down. No amount of socializing made any difference with her. :(
Take her to a dog park or on little trips to the petstore, my dog thinks going to Petsmart is a great litle field trip.
2006-10-27 17:28:42
answer #5
answered by grapelady911 5
Parvo is a serious virus. THat poor dog may still not feel all that well. I had a dog that had it and survived but it weakend her heart and she died 4 years later from a heart attack. Give her time she may be still healing up. Just show her lots of attention and love.
2006-10-27 17:27:12
answer #6
answered by Biker 6
parvo is very hard on a puppy give her time she will bounce back, just keep giving her affection and attention she'll come around. I went through the same thing with one of my dogs when she was a pup.
2006-10-27 17:32:29
answer #7
answered by stingyshyt 1
She'll come around eventually. She may still be feeling the effects of the Parvo and not 100% just yet. Give her lots of love and time and she'll be fine before you know it.
2006-10-27 17:27:47
answer #8
answered by Shadow's Melon 6
I had a puppy who survived Parvo awhile back. Scared the hell out of me. It takes a lot out of the pooch. It will take sometime before she fully recovers.
Just be her buddy, and she will be yours... guarantee it!
2006-10-27 17:28:31
answer #9
answered by backpackwayne 5
It sounds more like a dog who has been caged all her life and has not been socialized and learned how to act like a puppy. Give her time. I think she will come around. Love her, and she will learn to love you back.
2006-10-27 17:28:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous