They are made from materials that are poor conductors of heat. This means that the heat takes a long time to pass from the hot side to the cold side. It won't protect you forever. Eventually, the heat will reach equilibrium. (IE don't think you can fight fires just by wearing them)
2006-10-27 09:46:41
answer #1
answered by WildPointer 3
Most just use padding. Some, more high tech' ones use a material which also reflects the heat back. You can get really expensive ones made out of the same fire retardant material used in racing driver's overalls.
2006-10-27 16:05:12
answer #2
answered by Stephen L 7
It created space between molecules, so that less molecules that are hot bump into other molecules in order to transfer the heat. In order for heat to transfer, either conduction, convection or radiation must occur. In this case, heat must pass from molecule to molecule in order to reach your hand. The less air molecules that exist between the two, the harder it is for the heat to transfer to your hand.
2006-10-27 15:57:08
answer #3
answered by vanman8u 5