If I don't receive the answer I hope for, or if maybe there's no answer at all that I can discern, I just trust that God has a much bigger, much better perspective on my life and that what's most important isn't what I ask for in prayer but that I seek to know Him intimately through prayer, praise and worship. Whatever else He may give me is just an added blessing that's totally about Him and not about me.
With regard to physical or emotional issues, specifically with regard to healing: I have been living for more than five years with chronic, almost-daily pain from fibromyalgia. While my pain is usually controllable by means of medications and homeopathic remedies, I no longer to be healed because I have seen how God has used my pain to make me a more compassionate person. I tend to be impatient and very goal-oriented, and sometimes (this was more the case five or six years ago) I'd get rather irritated when people or situations were running behind my usually-frantic schedule. But in living with physical pain as I have since that time (as I type this both of my arms and nearly every joint in my body feel like they're on fire), I've had to learn to slow down. Physical pain has a great ability to sap a person's energy, and I've had to learn that it's not a bad thing to slow down. I've also really developed an empathy toward others who also live with chronic pain, and it's almost like it's this sort of unwanted fraternity that we're all in because we live with pain, but since we're all in this same boat together, so to speak, I've made new friendships, I've hopefully encouraged a lot of people who are going through what I'm going through, and I know I've been encouraged beyond belief by others I've met whose lives make mine look like a Sunday School picnic. If it took living with chronic pain for the Lord to help me become a person He could use more effectively, then I'd say it's definitely worth it. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 12 that in the midst of his own torment of some kind--he just refers to it as a "thorn in the flesh"--God told Paul that His grace was sufficient for any of our needs, because His strength picks up where our own weakness fails us. And if by having these weaknesses in my life it makes me draw closer to God, that's much better than if I were pain-free and thought I could do everything. Because I used to be like that until God showed me He had other plans. And it's been awesome.
2006-10-27 00:35:13
answer #1
answered by Pastor Chad from JesusFreak.com 6
Not usually. I pray that his will, not mine be done. There have been times when I questioned why something that I had prayed about didn't happen, only to find out that there was a reason. That it worked out better that way. There are some things that I may never know. Things that 6 years later still seem to be logical. Where I don't feel that I am asking for the wrong thing. So I guess you could say that for 6 years, my prayer wasn't answered. I always ask that his will, not mine be done, so I really can't that it is unanswered. When I think about it though, it has worked out, unanswered?, for the 6 years now. And there have been enough times, where I actually benefited from the situation. So no, I really don't question why prayers weren't answered. I have faith, and that's all I need.
2006-10-27 07:34:28
answer #2
answered by rock d 3
In my experience, God sometimes says "yes," sometimes "no," sometimes "wait." "Wait" is the hardest one. Even the question "Why" is not out of line, look at the questions asked in Psalms! Some of those appear to border on blaspheme, but God accepted the prayer and did not tell the writer that it was a bad prayer. Prayer is more than asking though; it's a two way conversation, so listen for the still small voice in the silence you think is no answer at all.
2006-10-27 07:26:14
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
No never. God does not have to give you material things or heath immediately, He can grant your prayers whenever He wishes. Do we obey Him always? Why then we want our wishes granted at the spot? This is how God tests your faith, He will know if you will stay believing in Him or just turn away.
2006-10-27 07:47:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
God always answers prayer just maybe not how we would like.
I just recognize that God is God and not me. He knows best He created the universe and all that ids in it and He can deal with any situation. How He does things is always for the best. That includes peoples sickness too. He is able if He doesn't do it it is because He has a reason. We know that He is abounding in love. I know it is not easy to accept sometimes that He doesn't heal someone but He is still God.
2006-10-27 07:36:40
answer #5
answered by JAM 3
No, for many reasons. First in II Corth 12:7-10
Paul is speaking "To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations,there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of satan to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong" What ever Paul's thorn was( some say he had epilepsy) this is how Paul dealt with it. I have a rare disease they have no cure for, it can be very serious. It can cause cancer, tumors all over, and many other problems, and believe me I've prayed more than 3 times for the Lord to take it away, but for some reason the Lord has chosen not to, I have accepted it. It's not easy at times but I must accept it. So keep your faith strong and continue to pray.
2006-10-27 08:18:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No, i don't lose faith. If i want something, i still have to work to get it, if it's a car, a job, or even peace of mind & faith. Praying dosent accomplish anything if you dont work for what you are praying for. God gives me strength & the power to do anything if i ask him for it. I know that God is not a magician, God will not just grant what i ask for. That's why i don't lose faith, because i know that God knows i will work hard to show that i am sincere in what i may ask.
2006-10-27 08:00:31
answer #7
answered by D Money 2
Does prayer work? Hundreds of millions prayed for God to stop Hitler before he killed 30+ million during WWII. Considering the sucess of their efforts, God is either powerless, heartless, both, or does not exist at all.
2006-10-27 09:04:30
answer #8
answered by iknowtruthismine 7
Of course, who ever tells you No, they're lying. But at the end I always think that God has other plans that will benefit me better. Just imagine how this world would be if everyone's prayers where answered. (this would be one crazy world). Just know that God is all powerful and all knowing and that's why he knows what's good for all of us.
Keep praying - God will work his magic. God Bless.
2006-10-27 07:23:35
answer #9
answered by chinaz777 4
God always answers our prayers - No, Yes, Wait. I never lose hope - I know He listens and is answering. Blessings.
2006-10-27 08:35:58
answer #10
answered by jworks79604 5