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2 answers

food allergies can be very serious... if you suspect you are sensitive to some food products, see a dermatologist to get some blood panels done.

The MyAllergyTest kit is a quantitative screening test to identify an individual's allergic reaction to a specific range of the ten (10) most common allergens covering about 90% of all human allergic reactions using an easily obtained, finger prick whole blood sample. The test provides the same clinical results that can be obtained from a local medical laboratory without the high expense (often up to $1,500) and inconvenience of physician appointments, laboratory fees.

Understand, however, that this only tests for the top 10 Allergens and in the food category for only Milk, Wheat and eggs!!

2006-10-27 02:12:33 · answer #1 · answered by tampico 6 · 1 0

Please list your symptoms and maybe someone can help. As the parent of children with food allergies I say get tested if you even think you are allergic to something. Reactions can go from mild (such as a runny nose) to life threatening in the blink of an eye.

Some reactions:
runny/stuffy nose

2006-10-26 23:18:55 · answer #2 · answered by tessasmomy 5 · 1 0

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