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I woke up wednesday morning with wat looked like mozzy bites.. i threw up not even 5 mins of waking up... anyway.. it wasnt to bad then.. later that day they got really itchy and it had now looked like hives.. Mum went to the chemist to get some antihistamine tablets and some cream. I had a shower to which i collapsed suddenly to the floor. Feeling really dizy and faint. Thursday I couldnt stand up or sit up without feeling really ill by this stage whatever it is had spread all over my body. Mum took me to the doctors, we showed him, and he said it was an allergic reaction to something. He gave me some medication and now its going down on my legs, but as for my back its sorta worse... My face feels tender and slightly swollen.

We cannot figure out as to what it could of been caused from.. Any Ideas?

The only thing I can think of is that my boyfriends brother had a rash when i was there last.. I had no idea till my bf told me over the fone last night. Does anyone know?

2006-10-26 14:43:58 · 2 answers · asked by ca4btts 3 in Health Diseases & Conditions Allergies

My back and stomach just wont stop itching although i use the cream.. My face is not only tender but when i rib my fingers gently across my forehead i feel some bumps..Should I use the cream on my face?

THis is really worrying me.. Does anyone know whatsoever as to what could be going on?

Is it my body just making me relax cos i been up and busy for the last few months or what? Im worried please help

2006-10-26 14:48:57 · update #1

2 answers

Hi, I smiled when I read the words "Mum" and "chemist" and guessed that you live in Great Britain. I'm a RN who has taught Nursing for over 20 years and will try to respond to your medical concerns. It sounds like you've had a very difficult time with your allergic reaction and related symptoms. How fortunate you were to have your mother take you to see the doctor and also get some prescribed medications for you. I agree with your physician that you definitely had a moderate allergic reaction. As a RN , I can't make a diagagnosis for you, only a physician can do that. However, based upon my education, training and years of clinical experience I can make some nursing judgments for you to consider and perhaps discuss with your physician. Based on your symptoms of waking with a rash that developed into hives plus your vomitting, chances are good that your allergic reaction related to something you ate the day before. Some of the most common culprits are shellfish, stale eggs, creamy salad dressings, nuts, and any food that may have spoiled or turned rancid. Try to remember what you ate. The dizziness, fainting,and general malaise is your body's way of partially shutting down so it could focus on whatever seemed to be attacking it in the form of an allergen. The antihistamine tablets were perfect to deal with the allergic response and the creme was a preparation to help alleviate the itch. Yes, by all means continue to use the creme on your forehead and to relieve any areas that are itching. The redness (hives), swelling, itching, tenderness (pain), and general malaise (sick feeling) are all normal and expected components of a moderate allergic response. Your body's immune system is doing what it needs to do to combat the allergens. It may take 7-10 days for the symptoms to disappear. In the mean time rest is extremely important along with mild foods that are easily digested and lots of liquids, preferrably water. Continue to take the antihistamine as prescribed by your physician as that is very helpful for your healing. Hopefully this information will be helpful to you. Good luck to you and God bless. Give Mum a hug from me and tell her 'Well done".

2006-10-26 15:42:55 · answer #1 · answered by marnie 3 · 2 0

I have to strongly agree with Marnie. It sounds like a nasty food reaction. 2 or my 3 children have food allergies. It will get better. Try to relax. Remember what you ate the day before this started. I would call the doctor and ask for some food allergy testing. The top 8 food allergiens are shellfish, regular fish,soy, nuts, eggs, milk, wheat, and peanuts. You can be allergic to other foods as well. Good luck figuring it out. Your mom did great!

2006-10-26 16:24:48 · answer #2 · answered by tessasmomy 5 · 0 0

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