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i can give advise but i have a hard time following my own. my sister and i always had a tough time being friends. im not sure why. when she talks to people,she can be very nasty and mean but i feel its more when i try and talk to her. i asked her why she acts like she is always mad at me and she just tells me that she is mad from things i have done to her while growing up. i have apoligized to her for anything i have done to hurt her but this doesnt seem to change the way she acts towards me. i have had other family members including my husband tell me to "dis own" her but i come from a close family and i was raised to always love your family because you never know when you may need them. im also afraid she will not allow me to see her kids and i love them as if they were my own. i did let her know how i felt and she just looks at me. i told her i want to be a part of her life b/c there were times we got along great.she is my sister and i dnt want to get rid of her. what can i do?

2006-10-26 14:06:11 · 6 answers · asked by jessie 2 in Family & Relationships Family

6 answers

I wish I knew what to tell you. My brother and I haven't spoken in 7 years since his step daughter had sex with my son. There's really not a lot you can do. I don't see my nephews either. You can love your sister but you can't make her "get along" with you. Siblings fight and I think that her telling you that it was something you did while growing up is an excuse. You can't control her behavior, words or thoughts. Good luck

2006-10-26 14:29:02 · answer #1 · answered by chilover 7 · 0 0

It's a tough situation, especially when it relates to a family member. If you keep trying to talk to her and get no reply, then you are beating your head up against a wall. You cannot make someone do something they don't want to do.

Your sister ( sorry to say ) does not sound very mature at all if she is still holding grudges from some things you did when you were a kid. You are the bigger person here.

I have been in the same situation and I had to dis-own my sister. She only called me when she wanted something and left me feeling pretty empty and I got tired of being used. Count your blessings on the family you are close to and all the good friends you have instead of focusing on trying to make your sister do something she isn't ready or mature enough to do.

2006-10-26 14:55:10 · answer #2 · answered by elanabutcher 4 · 0 0

All brothers and sisters fight. If your sister would be honest with herself she might remember that she did some things to you while you were growing up, too. Since you have apologized to her for the past and want to stay in touch with her, I don't think that there's any more that you can do, other than reassure her that you love and support her. If you don't want to disown her, don't. Since she is a grown woman with children, her clinging to the past is immature and unrealistic, but you can't control her behavior. If your other family members, husband and children love you and support you, you are fortunate. Leave the door open for your sister, but maybe it's time for you to let her decide to walk through.

2006-10-27 13:39:04 · answer #3 · answered by Newcomer 2 · 0 0

believe it or not you've did all you can do just pray about it and call her check up on her and invite her in your world when you can. sad to say but have you ever known somebody that always said everything was someone elses fault it's not you fault or anyone else for that matter it's something you sister is going through that she have not told you it's possible she's mad at herself that's the case sometime's when you are so mad at the world and family. what you must do is continue to let her know you're there whenever she needs you and also you be there when she decides to open up her world and let you know whats going on with her

2006-10-26 14:39:57 · answer #4 · answered by Pecantan81 1 · 0 0

i have no idea, i am struggling with the same situation essentially. BUt my sister basically disrespects everyone especially my mother, then the next day acts as if nothing happened. When I tell her to knock it off, it is her against the world, or the whole family, and she throw a hissy fit, or leav es. Did I mention she is a grown married woman. When you find out what to do please email me at heather_b_cody@yahoo.com and let me know. Thanks and good luck! If you dont mind read my question maybe you can help me...............it is in FAMILY AND RELATIONSHIPS--> FAMILY--------> WE CANT GET ALONG........ABOUT 30 MINUTES AGO ..........thaks and good luck

2006-10-26 14:16:19 · answer #5 · answered by heather_b_cody 1 · 0 0

Just agree to disagree

2006-10-26 14:24:29 · answer #6 · answered by eh77530 2 · 0 0

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