i can give advise but i have a hard time following my own. my sister and i always had a tough time being friends. im not sure why. when she talks to people,she can be very nasty and mean but i feel its more when i try and talk to her. i asked her why she acts like she is always mad at me and she just tells me that she is mad from things i have done to her while growing up. i have apoligized to her for anything i have done to hurt her but this doesnt seem to change the way she acts towards me. i have had other family members including my husband tell me to "dis own" her but i come from a close family and i was raised to always love your family because you never know when you may need them. im also afraid she will not allow me to see her kids and i love them as if they were my own. i did let her know how i felt and she just looks at me. i told her i want to be a part of her life b/c there were times we got along great.she is my sister and i dnt want to get rid of her. what can i do?
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