Some are nice and some are terrible. I know someone who's been through home after home and that just messed him up.
2006-10-26 13:28:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well my mom works on with the families to try to keep kids out of foster care...Let me tell you and my 3 siblings were taken away from my mom...The oldest was Kira she was 13 Then Jordan:10, Me:9 Ian:4 Savannah:2 Aliyah:11 months. Me and Jordan went back with our dad. The rest put in foster care. When Savannah came back she REFUSED to talk. She still doesn't talk right. Aliyah came back humping EVERYTHING which means she was probably molested. And Ian came back afraid of his own shadow. My families personal friend had their kids taken. Their 2 year old son was just murdered. If you don't believe me type in: Isaac Lethbridge. And I think we all need to know about the horrors of foster care. Did you know that 80% of children in foster care were never abused by their parents but were abused sexually molested or in many cases murdered? Now do you think children should be in foster care you can e-mail me and tell me why... Though not all homes are bad. Just all the ones that I have seen or heard about are horrible... So if any foster care mothers or father that are good to your foster children I apologize for this and also keep up the good work!
2006-10-26 21:18:48
answer #2
answered by Skylar 2
I have been a foster/adoptive mom. from the classes I have taken and seen different homes, they are so different. there is one situation where the foster mom put the kid in the garage because he yelled so much, and I hated that, but foster homes in general are just like the foster family lives. they go to church with them, eat the same food etc. I do know in Utah, the kids have to be in certain size of rooms or have to have a room alone, no sharing. you have to put boys in one room and girls in teh other unless they are infants. you can put a baby in your bedroom until they are 2 in a crib. I ususlly had two at a time first time brother and sister, adopted, second two sisters, cried when they went home, and third set brothers of the first two kids, adopted them too.
2006-10-26 20:34:21
answer #3
answered by Grandma of six 5
You can't generalize about foster homes anymore than you can generalize about people. Some foster families are involved in the foster program because they truly care about kids and want to help them. Others are in it for the money (and other reasons). I know foster parents who are caring and loving. I know others who should be in jail for the way they treat the kids in their care.
2006-10-26 20:31:23
answer #4
answered by TJMiler 6
when i was in school my best friend was a foster child lucky for her though she is still with that family she has been with them since the age of 2 and she is about 23 now and she was always happy and well looked after.
the difference about fostering and adopting is that with fostering there is no guarantee you will stay with the same family so for some people it can be quite traumatic. and others like my friend it was the best thing for her....
2006-10-26 20:31:24
answer #5
answered by Krissy 4
The foster home I was in before I was re-adopted by my mother was really nice. The people were wonderful. I still consider them my mom and dad because they were great people who took me in to raise me until I was adopted. But I have some friends who were abused in their foster home, so it's really how you toss the dice that you get the one you get.
2006-10-26 20:30:24
answer #6
answered by Kim W 2
All foster homes are different. I'm sure some are really wonderful but I'm sure some are horrible too.
2006-10-26 20:28:47
answer #7
answered by Tigerlillie 3
Ive been in foster care and as long as you pray and ask for a home which best suits your needs hopefully you'll get a good one though you might not feel that home is the best one for you but God has a plan trust in him other wise good'll need it.
2006-10-26 20:41:02
answer #8
answered by Fallon T 1
im a foster mom and i love my children with all my heart.they are the joy of my life. i have three. and in the prosess of adopting them .8year old twins and 10yearold.had them since birth .some homes are loving .and some are horrible.i know my home is a safe and loving home.hopefully i answered your
2006-10-26 20:46:24
answer #9
answered by lovely me 1
While there might be some good ones, too many do more harm than good for the children. Often they are worse than where the kids came from.
2006-10-26 20:33:15
answer #10
answered by Bethany 6