Hi Christian
Here are some remedies
1. Meats and Nuts for Cancer: Dried fruits and nuts are very nourishing and beneficial, and the latter are better (as a whole protein) when used in combination with the garden greens. If a person has cancer or is inclined towards cancer, do not overdo eating protein (such as nuts). This is one thing that does damage to the pancreas and in these cases, eat nuts only in the morning. Stay away from peanuts and concentrate on almonds. A person with a cancerous condition should use from 8 to 10 almonds in the morning and the same at noon. But do not take any protein from evening time until the next morning, allowing 16 to 18 hours for the pancreas to clear and start to work on enzymes again. All protein should be taken early in the morning. In cancer cases never use any second-hand or secondary protein (such as meats).
2. Potassium: Max Gerson, in his very effective treatment of cancer, found that almost all seriously ill persons were very deficient in potassium. He supplemented his cancer patients' diets with significant amounts of potassium, usually in a liquid concentrate. A cancer patient we know learned that both the seaweeds Kelp and Dulse are the highest in potassium among all foods and herbs. He mixed a brew of Kelp, apple cider vinegar and honey and took a large amount of it in his daily cancer regime, which also utilized raw juices, fruits and vegetables, and herbs. He found that this was a potent--albeit somewhat unpleasant tasting!--source of potassium and other trace minerals. Gerson also employed iodine in his cancer treatment and Kelp is high in this element. We cannot, of course, claim that Kelp is a cancer cure. But it is a powerful source of necessary elements for healing.
3. Poke: Authorities differ as to its value on cancer. Great relief towards the close of a difficult case of cancer of the uterus was obtained by an external application of 3 ounces of Poke root and one ounce of the tincture in the strength of 1 tablespoon to three pints of tepid water for bathing the part (Gri:649). Hutchens reports that "the juice of the berries dried in the sun until it forms the proper consistency for a plaster, applied twice a day, has cured cancer”
4. Chaparral: From a question to Dr. Christopher in his Newsletter. Does chaparral really cause acceleration in the growth of cancer? Answer: The healing reaction of chaparral is one that causes concern to those watching results if they do not understand the method of progress.
The herb chaparral is a powerful cell proliferant, causing the good cells to grow rapidly. During their fast new growth, the good cells push the dead cells and their waste into a deposit. This growth of waste material has an alarming appearance and frightens the uninformed into believing the cancer is growing rapidly. We have seen this condition a number of times. As it reaches a crisis condition, after the growth loads up with toxic materials it then starts decreasing in size and the healing process takes place. This is a slow procedure in some cases and demands good continued care and understanding.
5. Red Clover: is a very useful and wonderful alterative agent for counteracting scrofulous and skin diseases, as an antidote to cancer, and as an efficient remedy in bronchitis and spasmodic affections. Its healing properties make an excellent addition to alterative compounds. You will find this an effective and reliable remedy in wasting-disease and for weakly and delicate children. The warm infusion is soothing to the nerves. Anal: Inject a strong infusion of the tea five or six times daily, and also drink internally.Drink four or more times daily on an empty stomach. Vaginally: Inject a strong tea with a bulb syringe (holding the vagina closed after insertion to force the tea around the head of the womb), retain several minutes before expelling, five or six times daily.Dr. Thomson suggested a cancer plaster which is widely recommended. Cover the Red Clover flowers with water and boil for one hour. Then strain and reduce the liquid until it is the consistency of tar. It can be spread on a clean cloth and applied to external cancers. This is not one hundred percent verified in all cases where it has been tried, but together with the tea administered internally there have been many reports of successful healing with the treatment. If there is a cancer in the rectum you can give an injection (small herbal enema). Bethel says she has seen many cancers disappear with treatment of Red Clover.
Best of health to both of you
2006-10-26 13:58:44
answer #1
answered by HEAL ONESELF 5
Personally I only know one person who has tried this. When I was going through my cancer treatment nearly 6 years ago I met this gentleman. He was very vehement in his arguments as he advised me to stop my chemotherapy and radiation and scoffed at the surgery I had already undergone. He advised I should eat apricot pits instead. He ate these by the handful every day, had done for years, as a preventative measure and proudly boasted of his good health. Sadly, he died of cancer about 4 years ago.
2016-03-28 08:39:28
answer #2
answered by ? 4
My husband had lung cancer. Food is not going to make a difference I say let him eat what he wants as long as he can. When my husband got sick he ate at the places he loves we had cook outs saw friends and family played pool at midnight as long as he could handle it we did exactly what he wanted life is short enjoy it while you can. He was diagnosed March 20th passed June 6th. Also, friends came over and brought food helped with housework and laundry it was a blessing as I was too busy for that trying to care care of him. Good luck and God Bless
2006-10-27 02:20:00
answer #3
answered by crumcake422 2
Food isn't going to make him feel better if he has cancer. Would that make you feel better? Facts are facts. Cancer is serious and trying to mask it by giving someone food isn't going to work. Just being together would help. Just doing things for him and making his life easier is probably what he'd rather have. My parent has lung cancer and doesn't feel like eating. Think how you would feel in his condition and what you would like someone to do for you.
2006-10-26 14:01:19
answer #4
answered by lazycat 3
Ellagic acid has been shown to destroy cancer cells. Raspberries are highest in it. Also, Google "Vitamin B-17" and "Budwig cottage cheese flaxseed". Green tea has been shown to inhibit tumors by cutting off their blood supply. Carrot juice is good too. Cranberries. A couple millionths of a gram of powdered cranberry extract was shown to inhibit human breast, colon and prostate cancer cells by 98%. White grapefruit juice is high in naringin which studies have shown can reduce the risk of lung cancer in smokers by 50%. He should avoid processed foods and high fat meats (except fatty fish) and eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and raw nuts (particularly almonds and walnuts). He should concentrate on foods with high antioxidant activity such as blueberries, dark chocolate, pomegranate juice and broccoli sprouts.
2006-10-26 12:53:50
answer #5
answered by DawnDavenport 7
Well . . maybe at this point you should concentrate on what he will eat and enjoy eating. When my son's stomach was filled with tumors he could eat barely a tablespoon of food before feeling full. We quickly learned that calories were the most important meal . . basically ANYTHING he wanted to eat he got. We may not be politically correct with this but he loves pizza . . and that's what he gets . . anytime he wants it.
So consider asking him what he wants to eat and than see that he gets it. If it happens to be something 'good' for him . . well all the better.
2006-10-26 15:30:42
answer #6
answered by Panda 7
Please tell your friend to drink green tea as much as he can. There have been numerous studies that say green tea aids in either shrinking or at least stabilizing the cancer cells. Is it an option for him to have a partial removal of the cancerous cells in his lungs? My aunt has lung cancer- was diagnosed about 5 years ago and she is still alive and doing fairly well.
2006-10-26 12:41:48
answer #7
answered by peep 2
Choose a whole-wheat wrap as opposed to two slices of wheat loaves of bread.
2017-03-11 02:04:50
answer #8
answered by ? 3
Stand up each time you talk within the phone.
2017-03-08 19:43:08
answer #9
answered by ? 3
Teach your kids your chosen sport (or have them show you theirs).
2017-02-15 15:42:49
answer #10
answered by milton 4