I think we must be here to learn To learn compassion,humility,kindness. We have been given what was a beautiful planet, no matter how or by whom, and we could have done a LOT more with it and with each other. We are an atrocious people, and it seems to be getting worse. Whoever created us ma\ust despair. WAKE UP everyone and try to be DECENT HUMANS>
2006-10-26 12:33:45
answer #1
answered by Juliette 3
I do belong to a particular religion but I don't think it's right for me to tell anyone that they are going to hell. I am not the judge. Christ is.
My view about life: It's tough but we become stronger when we live the best we know.
My view about the afterlife: It will be great for some and horrible for others. People who don't know about Christ in their earth life will get to learn about him in the next life.
My view on the teachings of Christ: The world would be WAY more peaceful if people learned and followed his teachings. Especially the teaching to "love thy neighbor as thyself". Of course, no one is perfect so there would still be disagreements. But I doubt there would be any wars. Wouldn't that be awesome?!!!
2006-10-26 12:39:54
answer #2
answered by ☼Grace☼ 6
Believe me, I would Never tell you what you should be doing. I believe everyone is entitled to there own opinion. I have researched many different religions and I am very happy where I am. People should do what they know in their heart, is right.
With any luck, I will go to heaven, because of the life I live now.,
not what I did before. I want to learn all I can about different religions, mostly so I can understand their beliefs.
2006-10-26 12:32:47
answer #3
answered by Kerilyn 7
I would not tag myself with any denomination, but I do go to a Pentacostal church. I am still a member of the Baptist church I grew up in.
My view is this:
God created us as an expression of His love, to love Him back.
God created the Earth as the perfect habitat for us.
God gave us free will because it is impossible to love without it.
Adam screwed up the perfection part when he disobeyed the only commandment God gave him.
Our decisions have consiquences because that is what free will is all about. There would be no wrong without consiquence.
Our existance is humbling because God even cared that we mortal people existed. What an honor!
We are made to love God. That's really it. We each were designed with ability and purpose to love and serve our creator in different ways.
Jesus came and died to atone for the sins of mankind so that we had the opportunity to continue God's perfect plan.
God still gave us free will, so we have that choice. Accept the replacement for your consiquence or suffer it yourself.
God let's us decide. Hell is not a punsihment for denying Christ, it is a choice we all make, but ignorance is no exuse.
After we die, our choice will be fulfilled. God could not have made it clearer. He even told us which one to make, yet millions continue to reject Him altogether, but that is their choice.
I think the message of Christ was crystal clear: "Religious" people keep missing the point. It is not about the rules to be good. It is about loving God and having faith in Him. If we truly love God, we will obey his commandments, which are not for Him they are for us, to keep us safe from harm because He loves us, not because He wants to restrict us. Every commandment has a consiquence, spirtual or not, that affects us directly. God basically just gave us instruction to help make the right decisions.
The world has determined that's all crap and we should be allowed to do whatever we want. If you really think about it, every commandment and instruction hold some sort of consiquence, from STD's to death. We tag all that "religion" and think it is some sort of manmade mind game to control people, but you can look around and see the devistation that sin has caused.
People want to do away with religion and think that would make the world a better place. Without the guidelines of the morals instructed by God, what is moral? Nothing you do could be truly designated as right or wrong because nobody has a right to tell you what is moral or not, because there is no basis.
Anyway, I think people continue to miss the point today. Being a Christian is not about being a good person or doing good things. It is about loving God back and obeying him as a response of our love for Him. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man sees the Father but through me!" Bold statement, but true. Fact is we sin and fall short of the standard that God has. He know this so He gave us an alternative to bypass the consiquence of our imperfect lives. If we accept that alternative, we are saved. Our lives become more perfect as we strive to grow spirtually.
Anyway, that is a really big question. I could write a book, but I don't have time.
God Bless.
2006-10-26 12:50:31
answer #4
answered by RedE1 3
Its funny that you don't want to here about religion, I do believe in God, Jesus, Heaven, and Hell. I do not Practice religion ( Though I was raised in the Christian Baptist faith), My views are that spirituality is a personal thing between you and God, that God will judge you on a personal level on what you know, don't know,did do, or didn't do. That things I do could be right for me and wrong for you because it is different. (example: I could wear make up and jewelry and it not be sinful to me, where you may worship gold, diamonds etc. and God would make it sinful to you). I don't think religion is one size fits all. I personally feel if you live by the 10 commandments and love and live for God you have got it made
2006-10-26 12:43:12
answer #5
answered by kathy h 3
Religion is the practical application of spiritual concepts into our daily lives. Associating with positive people. Reading inspirational
and motivational material. Meditating, (quiet time), to relieve stress. And prayer, which keeps the lines of communication open to Spirit.
It can of course get bogged down with dogma, and we have to
believe this and have to believe that. But the Word tells us
about the wisdoms of men, and their false prides, so why
get bent out of shape over it.
We will never find a perfect human on this world.
As far as Christ is concerned. Christ is not a person or
religion. It is unifying of God/Allahs own body. All of our
spirits being a spark of the LIGHT that God is.
"As the body has many members, and those members being many, are one body. So is CHRIST!"
2006-10-26 12:35:47
answer #6
answered by Medicine Eddie 2
God is all about having a personal relationship with you, as you are, imperfections and all, today.
Religion is mans attempt to define and understand God, insisting that you see and understand God the way they do. The value of this is that it can help us identify what part of the body of Christ we should serve God in. The harm that can come from this is people seem to think only they can be right in their understanding of God and introduce doctrines of man to replace or impose over basic bible doctrine. This does not mean that everyone should relate to God and serve Him in the same manner and within an identical structure. If we were to do so the relational aspect of having a personal and intimate relationship with God, somehow seems to get lost and ritual takes over.
If we use our own relationships on earth with people, as an example. Our friends might have a lot in common such as common ideas and understandings of life, similar goals and lifestyles, however, each relationship has its own peculiarities and high and low points. This is what makes them personal and unique. In having a relationship with your heavenly Father there are a few differences.
He will meet us wherever we are in our life. We do not have to
"get ourself together and become acceptable first".
He always loves you and accepts completely, even when your wrong.
He doesn't ever try to control or manipulate you, only guide you, with your best interests in mind.
He will never leave you or forsake you (move on) because he doesn't agree with you or has outgrown you.
He is consistant, never changing, faithful and always available, even though we are not.
He loves us with a perfect love. Forgiveness is a result of perfect love. Forgiveness is the beginning of grace and mercy.
He loves us so much that He provided a way for us to have a relationship with Him, knowing we could not do it on our own.
Jesus is the answer to all of life, He has done everything for us.
He pays the price of admittance into the kingdom of heaven, allowing us to have relationship with our Creator for all eternity..
He has completely defeated Satan and his minion, allowing us to live life abundantly, while on earth.
If we are willing, He changes us from the inside out and helps us find and stay on the path He made just for us. This allows us to fulfill the purpose of our creation (nobody is an accident) and to enjoy our life and our work, making us happier, at peace and having true contentment.
We get all of this just because we are willing to do it God's way instead of our way.
Jesus says that, "I am the way, the truth and the life" for everyone. If we accept this statement as true our life is forever changed.
Having a personal relationship with God is being ruled by reason, not fears, insecurities, pride and sin.
Volumes upon volumes have been written and published regarding the answers to your questions, including the bible. I hope I was able to be of help.
May God bless you and keep you cradled in the arm of His love for you.
2006-10-26 12:51:00
answer #7
answered by David R 3
I am basically a Christian, but not a fundamentalist. I always try to keep an open mind about things though. I think there is a very high likelihood that Yahweh, and Jesus are the ultimate rulers of this planet, and that they shall in the near future return to earth to defeat the forces of evil that are attempting to get us to annihilate ourselves in a nuclear war. Once they are defeated, and imprisoned deep inside the earth, the true rulers of earth will establish a glorious kingdom of peace and harmony here.
2006-10-26 12:39:09
answer #8
answered by oceansoflight777 5
I am spiritual,and have my struggles,but so believe in all of Jesus's teachings,please don't be offended by me,but if you read who Jesus is in the bible you will see how loving and powerful He is.He I believe still walks among us,in people of poverty,He said so much about the poor,the rich,the blind.I have seen miracles done in his name.I have even prayed for people and they have gotten healed,but not because of me but because of the Holy Spirit.All I can say is he fearfully and wonderfully made you my friend and he loves you.God said he sent his only son not to condemn the world but that he might save the world,through his son Jesus.You have all the blessings from heaven available to you,and he wants you mostly.Be Blessed and loved
2006-10-26 12:37:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The place where I have found the best teachings of Christ is the Essenes www.essene.org They have the lost teachings of Jesus Christ which much was found in the basement of the Vatican. They believe in reincarnation and Karma and so many amazing things that I new about Christ in my heart but it was confirmed there. Hope it helps also go to www.stephen-knapp.com The world relief network.
2006-10-26 12:29:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous