Because they become a burden on society in multiple ways. They accept lower wages, they use our medical care driving the cost up, they do not pay taxes, etc...Then there is the cost associated with the law enforcement side. The list goes on, try a search on the web and read up on the issue. It is a hot topic right now and there is alot of info out right now on this subject.
2006-10-26 05:18:22
answer #1
answered by William J 2
The illegal immigrants shouldn't be allow to remain in the U.S. because they have came here illegally, breaking the law when entering the U.S. They have lowered the wages of millions of legal residents, simply by working for low wages, tax free. They have become a burden on our school systems, making our schools fail. They have become a burden on our Hospital, forcing some E.R. departments to close entirely. They are a burden on our prison systems.
2006-10-26 05:21:40
answer #2
answered by bratty brat 4
They work for lower wages, which deflates the values of jobs for American citizens (this actually goes against laiseez-faire capitalism as described by Adam Smith in "Wealth of Nations" - the neccessity of work causes wages to increase); because of this, many of them wind up needing government assistance for things ranging from food to medical care (especially when they bring many children). Because of their lack of wages, they bring down property values near where they live and crime often increases. Many are living cramped in small homes because it is all they can afford, which means more fatalities in the event of a house fire.
There are also social problems: many do not (or will not) learn English which is the defacto language of the United States, meaning interpretors are required for some jobs, as well as extra signs which also read in other languages.
2006-10-26 05:25:08
answer #3
answered by The Doctor 7
Many here will answer the same way either. One against it will say:. they are here illegally and are breaking the law or the ones that defend it will say: They have a right to be here ya ya ya.
To answer you question you have to believe that this country has a "rule of law". if you don't then nothing matters.
2006-10-26 05:24:37
answer #4
answered by wild4gypsy 4
a. Because of their illegal status, most are paid under the table, b. they don't pay taxes on their income but use tax supported programs like: public school, mass transit, helath clinics, rec centers, etc; and c. most either refuse or can't assimilate into the predominate culture and language, which increases their alienation and earns the distrust of the rest of us.
2006-10-26 05:19:14
answer #5
answered by larrylegend 2
They are illegal (that means they broke the law) and if we in this country wish to follow the rule of law then it must be enforced at all times no excuses no exemptions!
2006-10-26 05:19:32
answer #6
answered by TEXAS TREY 3
...because their mere presence is against the law. We have been called a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws. If someone wants to become American they should do it lawfully. If they don't want to become American they shouldn't come at all.
2006-10-26 05:25:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
they should not stay in the United States because America is not their country! they are not citizens and are breaking the law being here illegally.
they should go back to their own country and demonstrate in the streets and make their own country a better place!
2006-10-26 05:25:46
answer #8
answered by Tawkit 2
Since you are doing a research report maybe you should do it yourself. The are a burden on the American tax payers. They bring in disease that were basically gone from the US.
2006-10-26 05:34:20
answer #9
answered by Reported for insulting my belief 5
lBecause the law sez so.
If they are "illegal" they are violating the law being here!
Illegal means exactly what it says "illegal"!
Let them go through the "legal" channels like the rest of the Legals did.
That is not a huge problem!
2006-10-26 05:18:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous