"Identify some( at least six ) e-businesses that exist on the internet. Evaluate their pros and cons, from the business aspect-- viability of the business , if you have to choose one for taking up, the profitability , feasibility, and the break-even period, the investment required to get started, etc.
Identify the best e-business, in your opinion, and give supporting evidence for your choice.
If you had the option to modify any one e-business, what changes would you make in the parameters, so that it becomes an improvement on the choice above that you made?"
2006-10-25 22:42:55
answer #1
answered by thegentle Indian 7
I might desire to think of like many others who've responded which you're meaning the unlawful Mexicans, perfect? properly the cost of foodstuff might upward push somewhat, despite the fact that it does no longer be great. The greater rich persons might might desire to (heaven forbid) mow our very own lawns, or pay an outstanding salary to get it executed, or merely hire between the neighbor youngsters to do it. the main important component that all of us might notice is the drain on our social centers might almost come to a halt, different than, for sure, for the teenage women giving beginning out of wedlock, yet even that could subside regardless of each and every thing the unlawful Mexicans have been long previous! companies ought to end printing each and every thing in English and Spanish, which a super form of the illegals can't examine besides! The penitentiary inhabitants might shrink via probable 25 to 30%. that's no longer a bad component the two, now's it? a super form of money stored there! have self assurance me that's fairly costly to maintain human beings below lock and key, in prisons and jails. Why ought to we, the U. S. be required to incarcerate maximum of Mexico criminal component? Oh, i could be prepared to guess that crime in this u . s . might shrink via a substantial proportion, too, without that component here. And for the guy who stated that it would give way the Mexican financial gadget, What a friggin' laugh it extremely is! the sole financial gadget that s!it-hollow 0.33 international u . s . has, first of all is the only they're stealing from the U. S.! i ought to care much less if the completed u . s . collapsed!
2016-11-25 21:22:42
answer #2
answered by ? 4