Every time someone smokes a ciggie close to me, the smoke goes right to my face, like even when I'm against de wind! Soem people say it's because you will get money, others say it's because you don't shower daily (not my case).
What do you know about that?
12 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Mythology & Folklore
Well, maybe you don't get it, because, I'm from México, and although mexicans don't believe in this things, we are so used to talk about this myths and stuff.
But I'm happy to see that americans also follow some of this funny yet believable things
20:49:54 ·
update #1
I understand. I have been in your situation. In college, all my friends were smokers and I couldn't stand smoking. Whenever we went out to restaurant, no matter how much I tried, it always seemed the smoke came in my direction. If I changed seats, it wouldn't help. The smoke still came in my direction.
So I came up with this theory. We know that opposites attract. It's true in science and electrical and magnetic charges. Well, it's true also with certain other things in life. Cats always seem to find the person in a group that hates cats and the cats lavish their affection on this person just so they can drive that person crazy. Smoke works the same way. It identifies the person that hates smoke the most and is immediately attracted to that person.
Sometimes you just can't escape fate.
2006-10-25 21:08:06
answer #1
answered by Spiritual but not religious 4
Yes ,by me it does.
My husband is a smoker(only outdoors) and the smoke go's directly to me(I'm a non smoker).
The nicotine in a cigarette go's quicker to a non smoker and that's not a fairytale but science and that's why, in fact the lungs of a non smoker are as much in danger because they inhale finer of all the others the nicotine.
2006-10-26 04:13:41
answer #2
answered by Chantal D. 6
Smoke, of any kind, seeks a natural chimney. It will move to the warmest heat source around it and go up from there. You apparently have a warm body temperature.
2006-10-27 10:28:54
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I never thought about it. I always figured it was because I don't smoke. We can even trade places and the smoke still goes to me. And it doesn't matter which way they blow the smoke.
2006-10-26 11:52:25
answer #4
answered by fayra_elm 4
The old saying goes "smoke follows beauty." You must be very nice looking.
2006-10-26 04:00:09
answer #5
answered by Daphne 3
I think it's because the smoke is evil and it seeks to corrupt the righteous non-smokers of the world. It's a thought anyway...
2006-10-26 03:44:23
answer #6
answered by Angry young man 3
Have you ever-sat around a cam-fire and see the smoke drift in one direction. and sometime that smoke travel towards the person that has the higher core body temperature............. that is the very reason why..........
2006-10-26 06:51:16
answer #7
answered by kilroymaster 7
not so sure cos smoke does goes to my face too but i dont get rich as well
2006-10-26 05:27:48
answer #8
answered by ~electra~ 4
I've heard it's because of the strongest lungs in the area.
2006-10-26 03:36:56
answer #9
answered by mrkitties420 4
I'd always heard that "smoke follows beauty". That's usually women , though. :-)
2006-10-26 03:39:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous