i'm a goldwater republican !
his nephew came out to him and all was fine.
he called it freedom.
a lot that goes on is not under true founding
rebublican ideals.:
less government interference in one's affairs.
fiscal responsibility.
and who you sleep with is your own business.
2006-10-25 20:36:17
answer #1
answered by john john 5
Wow- who'd have guessed that I'm not alone?? I'm a bisexual libertarian too! Maybe we should hook up ;)
I don't really relate to the Republicans of today, but to core Republican values, I am solid. There's a lot I hate and some things I love about both parties right now, but libertarianism suits me best. When I give my support to Republicans, it isn't in support of their anti-homosexuality views, it's for other things. I know that doesn't help a lot, but people do the same all the time in politics. It's called pork-barreling (you get some things you don't like for what you do).
By the way, I am of course in support for gay marriage and gay rights . . . well, not gay rights. Just equal rights for all people.
2006-10-26 03:00:37
answer #2
answered by cando_86 4
A Gay Republican makes as much sense as a Black Republican
2006-10-26 04:05:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I was what you would call a "fiscal Republican." I became so fed up with the party's obsession about gay issues and anti-gay rhetoric plus their refusal to accept donations from the (gay Republican) Log Cabin Club during the previous two Presidential elections.
Yes, my child, there is a cure for Republicanism. You can have your head zipped open and an open mind transplanted therein.
2006-10-26 03:04:08
answer #4
answered by crowbird_52 6
I grew up gay and grew up republican. However more and more I think I must be an independent. However right now I am republican. I am for gay marriage,
2006-10-26 17:35:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I know a few gay republicans...mainly rich white semi-closeted guys who care more about taxes than civil rights.
I've not yet met a Jewish Nazi or a black Klansman....both of which seem as unlikely to me as gay Republicans.
2006-10-26 09:34:51
answer #6
answered by ? 6
Gay Independent. I was a Democrat but they don't seem to have the spine to stand up for things that really count, like peace, health care etc.
2006-10-26 03:52:10
answer #7
answered by San Diego Art Nut 6
Thats cause your eyes, and mind are closed.
Open them both, learn to do your research before you open your mouth, and maybe, you can become a gay republican too !!
2006-10-26 21:09:16
answer #8
answered by scary g 3
it's kinda an oxy-moron to be republican and be gay...different strokes for diff folks. AND who's the exgay dude? Doesn't he know where he is?
2006-10-26 04:10:21
answer #9
answered by Namaste 4
I agree with you 100%!
2006-10-26 03:00:30
answer #10
answered by ByTheSea 4