What is wrong with you, and how old are you anyway? You do not need to fall pregnant and hide it from your family. You need to stay in school to get an education so you can support any kids you have instead of having mom and dad do it.
2006-10-25 19:51:19
answer #1
answered by Sparkles 7
why on earth would you want to hide it?
do you know how hard pregnancy can be on your body?
you are going to need alot of support from friends and family
not everyone has a text book pregnancy ,some women suffer terrible morning sickness for the whole pregnancy, bad backs, extreme tiredness etc.
having a baby is 1 of the best things that can happen to a woman so id really question the fact that you need to hide it!!!
are you really ready for a baby?
why try to get pregnant knowing your gonna keep it a dirty little secret?
plz think before you try to bring a child into this world this way
2006-10-25 23:42:49
answer #2
answered by mum_2_many 6
I don't know what your motivation for wanting to hide a pregnancy would be, but it doesn't suggest a healthy atmosphere to even be considering bringing a child into. It suggests a very young and immature potential mother, that's for certain. I worked in emergency rooms and on ambulances for years, and I had two occasions to become involved with young girls who had purposely concealed their pregnancies. It was sad in both cases, for the mother, the child and the families involved. I can't in good conscience recommend doing it for any reason. If you are old enough to get pregnant, then there should be no reason to hide the fact. A pregnancy should be joyous news, not a shameful matter to be hidden. If for whatever reason you don't feel it would be a joyous matter, then perhaps you should seriously re-evaluate your reasons for wanting to get pregnant. I can't imagine what your motivations for doing it and hiding it would be, and to be honest, I'm probably happier not knowing. But to think of inflicting that on an innocent child is irresponsible on your part.
2006-10-25 19:57:58
answer #3
answered by The mom 7
So you're not pregnant already? Why would you want to purposely get pregnant and then hide it? My guess is you are too young to get pregnant? I hope I'm wrong. If you are an adult, hopefully over the age of 21, and want a baby, then that's fine. But don't be ashamed of it, share it with your family if/when it happens, it's joyous news!
P.S.- If you are not yet out of high school, don't get pregnant. And if you are out of high school then you still shouldn't get pregnant, your question shows a lack of maturity and readiness to become a Mommy. I'm not trying to mean, just honest.
2006-10-25 19:50:45
answer #4
answered by nimo22 6
It all depends on your body. I know a girl that was able to hide her pregnancy until the day she delivered her baby. She was a bit chubby so all she did to hide it was wear baggy clothing. Her family and friends thought that she was just turning into a blimp for no reason. Obviously if you're thin and you always wear form fitting clothes than you might have a problem. You know your family better than anyone else. Will they notice if you start dressing differently? If you get morning sickness will you be able to go to the bathroom a lot without anyone noticing? Will you be able to go to your monthly prenatal visits without anyone noticing? It might be harder than you think. Good luck.
2006-10-25 20:02:13
answer #5
answered by SUSAN F 1
Hi Cthrm,
You are in the most beautiful stage of a woman and you need all the care, support and love from your friends and family. You need to be prepared to give birth and it is important that you share this precious time of your life with those who care for you. You have to take good care of yourself and of your child during these months, so do not be afraid and share this first with a dear friend or a close relative.
You are carrying a new life, a precious life - God bless you!
2006-10-25 20:01:06
answer #6
answered by Agua 3
If you have to hide it from your family then there's a problem. If you still live with them then maybe you should comsider moving out on your own and beginning to take care of yourself, soon you'll have 2 mouths to feed. If you dont live with them then it should be rather simple, start to be more and more busy, see them less. regardless hopefully you have this well planned out, children are hard work and toys, you will most likely need your families help with them anyways. Most parents are upset at first but get over it and then try to help you out. Consider it before you go around their backs.
2006-10-25 19:56:08
answer #7
answered by Teryn 2
well it depends everyone is different, when i was pregnant with my first child i was sick for the first three months so i really couldn't hide it, but apperance wise aboyt 3-4 months when you start showing, if you are young make sure that you think this through first i was young when i had my first child, it was very hard work. xxx ( an there is nothing wrong with having a child when you are under 21!!) i was 18 and i feel that i was a brilliant mum and that i still am.
2006-10-25 19:56:01
answer #8
answered by Dreamah 3
Wow. Just don't say anything to them and you can hide it as long as you don't show too much. Probably around 4-5 months before you must say anything. Are you living with them? They will be more likely to know that you're pregnant if they live with you because they will see you daily changing.
2006-10-25 20:19:41
answer #9
answered by momofthreemiracles 5
I went till I was 7 months worst mistake ever hiding it from my parents just sit down with them and tell them the truth the sooner the better and your parents are going to love the baby by hiding it it shows that you are immature and you arent making your parents are going to think you are responsible so it is time to grow up you are getting ready to be a mother you are no longer a kid
2006-10-25 19:58:20
answer #10
answered by J 2