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2006-10-25 19:14:33 · 12 answers · asked by sokrun s 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

12 answers

Here in the states we used to tie yellow ribbons around tree's to show hope or peace I believe.

There is an old song called "Tie a yellow ribbon around an old oak tree"

2006-10-25 19:21:01 · answer #1 · answered by Sean 7 · 0 1

Yellow can mean different things in different cultures. It can represent one of the foiliage colors of fall. It can mean nature. earthiness and warmth (being part of a fire color) In Native Indian culture yellow means trouble and strife.In Navajo culture it represent one of the four sacred mountains representing one of the four cardinal directions. The Apaches see it as representing East, where the sun comes up. In general for native americans it represents unconditional love.In Asian culture it represents Against evil, for the dead, geomantic blessings. In Astrology it represents the sign Taurus . In color therapy it energizes, relieves depression, improves memory, stimulates appetite.
I could go on, but depends on where your angle is for wanting to know it's meaning and also to let you know it doesn't always have a negative meaning like some might try and tell you!!

2006-10-26 02:27:55 · answer #2 · answered by waggy 6 · 1 0

'Yellow,if steadily gazed at in any Geometrical form,has a disturbing influence,and reveals in the color an instant aggressive Character!!'

I Transposed this from a Book By Wassily Kandinsky, called 'Concerning the Spiritual in Art'(Apologies if the Russian to English translation makes sense)

He laments about the Colors of the Artists palette,and how they affect the Viewer in relation to shape,size of Geometrical Images

2006-10-26 02:22:50 · answer #3 · answered by J. Charles 6 · 0 0

The primary color between green and orange in the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between 570 and 590 nm.

2006-10-26 02:21:08 · answer #4 · answered by outlook0330 2 · 0 1

The shade of yellow determines the meaning. Pure, bright and sunny yellow is the easiest color to see. People who are blind to other colors can usually see yellow. Yellow is full of creative and intellectual energy. Always use yellow note pads.

Yellow symbolizes wisdom. Yellow means joy and happiness. People of high intellect favor yellow. Yellow daffodils are a symbol of unrequited love. Sunday's color is yellow-gold.

Yellow Energy
Like the energy of a bright sunny day, yellow brings clarity and awareness. The shade of yellow determines its effect: Yellow-green can mean deceit, and creates a disoriented feeling. Orange-yellow imparts a sense of establishment. Clean light yellow clears the mind, making it active and alert.

Put some yellow in your life when you want:

clarity for decision-making
relief from 'burnout', panic, nervousness, exhaustion
sharper memory and concentration skills
protection from lethargy and depression during dull weather

Yellow gem stone properties
Carry or wear yellow gemstones to promote the ability to express yourself. They are excellent stones for writers and public speakers to increase eloquence. The yellow stones stimulate movement and mental awareness. They are used to enhance decision making skills.

2006-10-26 02:16:59 · answer #5 · answered by grace 2 · 0 2

It signifies hope.. as when there is a missing Marine or GI in Iraq, American families tie yellow ribbons around trees..

2006-10-26 02:29:05 · answer #6 · answered by Eefa 2 · 0 0

If you are given a yellow rose it means friendship.

2006-10-26 02:17:41 · answer #7 · answered by dogloverdi 6 · 1 1

Chicken, craven, deceitful, gutless, lily-livered, low, offensive, pusillanimous, sneaking, treacherous, tricky, unethical, unprincipled....

2006-10-26 02:16:09 · answer #8 · answered by bezsenný 5 · 0 1

happy happy happy

2006-10-26 02:16:14 · answer #9 · answered by Sakura Haruno 3 · 0 1


2006-10-26 02:19:53 · answer #10 · answered by lostship 4 · 0 1

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