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16 answers

I'm in the middle. It's a personal choice.

2006-10-25 18:21:20 · answer #1 · answered by Nietzschean 6 · 2 0

I think it is a personal choice. I became pregnant when I was 20. I am now 37 with 2 beautiful girls one is 1 and the other is 2 1/2.

At 20 I had been dating this guy for 3 years, was using the pill and due to an illness, stopped taking the pill for 1 month. I got pregnant. I wanted to keep the baby so very bad, but he didn't. I was not prepared to raise a baby on my own and thought it would not be right to bring a baby into this world when it would only have 1 parent. I did get an abortion, but I promptly got back on the pill and never made that mistake again.

I am, however, against abortion as a form of birth control. Ok, we all make mistakes, but to make mistake after mistake after mistake is simply irresponsible. I know women out there that have had 3-4 abortions and still do not use protection. This is unexceptible!

Abortion beyond the first trimester in any case is also unexceptible!

Bottom line, it is your choice, but I think we all need to be responsible for our actions and prevent the choice from ever having to be made.

2006-10-26 01:28:15 · answer #2 · answered by Mommy 3 · 0 0

I had an abortion 2 years ago due to medical problems in the third month and was absolutely devastated. Not all women can cope well with something like this. I believe a woman has the right to her own body and that she should not be forced to gestate if she doesnt want to.

Religious agenda has nothing to do with it, it all boils down to personal choice.

I do believe though it is wrong for a woman and man to have unprotected sex without thinking of the consequences and not looking at birth control. Abortion should only be chosen as a last resort/option when there is no other way out.

Adoption is a great choice, and seeking help with parenting is another key factor. Sex education is also a must for the younger generation.

Im now 31 wks pregnant with my first child and am extremely happy. This time things worked out extremely well for me. And i wouldnt turn back the clock for anything.

Regretfully there are many women out there with lack of resources who may have no choice but to look at the abortion option. Regardless whether a person does or doesnt believe or is against abortion - i respect everyone for their ultimate choice and opinion. That is the most important thing.

2006-10-26 01:26:39 · answer #3 · answered by gr33n_3y3d_grrl 5 · 0 0

I could never do it (I can't say with rape though, I've never been in that situation and could not judge someone else), and am not in favor of it...But I think the option should be open and done within the first month or two of pregnancy. In a perfect world where people were responsible I would be against it. But I would rather see a woman who didn't take care of herself and did drugs etc. get an abortion than have a child with all sorts of problems, or worse yet do things to try to lose the baby and still end up having it with severe problems and in a home or orphanage its whole life. Nor would I want someone who didn't really want that baby keeping it and treating it like garbage and/or abusing it.

However, I feel that pregnancy is preventable in the majority of cases and that people having sex need to be responsible and I also think sometimes the whole abortion thing is abused. There are some who have repeat abortions because they didn't learn the first time they didn't use protection and that burns me up.

2006-10-26 01:35:52 · answer #4 · answered by brat789456 4 · 1 0

I'm against it unless the mothers life is in danger. You may argue about rape, but it's not the babies fault. There are plenty of couples who would love to adopt. A baby has a heart beat at two weeks and is living soul from the time it's conceived. It's innocent. There is nothing it has done to deserve such a horible death.

I would never look down on anyone who has or does get an abortion though.

2006-10-26 01:24:19 · answer #5 · answered by crazydenae 2 · 0 0

Why are you asking, is it something you want to do?

Anyways here is something I wrote a while back to answer a similar question:

It's called ADOPTION. Stop being so selfish. I have had 2 unexpected pregnancy's and i could not imagine being so selfish to have an abortion NO MATTER what the situations.In fact i am pregnant w/ of my unexpected pregnancy's right now; and if a doctor told me today i had cancer and needed treatment i would say NOT TODAY, Not until my child is born! And If worst came to worst and I couldn't raise my child then i would put him/her up For adoption. It is sad how people have children/get pregnant and don't want them and people who want them can't have them. And just because it is Legal doesn't make it right! Abortion are just another excuse for people not taking responsibility for there own actions.
"Life is present from the moment of conception.."

If you think abortion is right then you should visit these site:




And if you still feel it is right then you are a cold hearted selfish waste of human being and need to get your head checked!

2006-10-26 01:23:48 · answer #6 · answered by mystique_dragon4 4 · 1 0

Well I feel it's selfish to impose ones views upon an other (no body is making you have an abortion), selfish to think of your situation and be mean to another in a different situation. Selfish to bring another into this world if you can't care for it with the proper love and care that it requires because you want to. (Adoption has it's own evils and is for another time). Extremely selfish to not even be in favor of a substance that could help prevent a pregnancy in the first place then have a fuss about wanting or needing to end one. the list goes on and on.

2006-10-26 01:39:48 · answer #7 · answered by greenwitch 2 · 0 0

It's def up to the woman! you can preach all you want about abortion being wrong but until your in the situation, no one has a right to judge. I feel that many people who have aboritons regret them so maybe it is wrong, but woman need the right to choose, no matter how sad the procedure is.

2006-10-26 01:24:30 · answer #8 · answered by estkijedsco 4 · 0 0

It really depends on the situation. If it is a rape, abuse, or medical emergency, then it might be your only option. But I am in no way for abortion. I am definately for adoption.

2006-10-26 02:25:23 · answer #9 · answered by Political hottie 1 · 0 0

I am pro-choice. I don't see how anyone else can tell a woman what to do with and how to use their body. To me, denying a woman an abortion is the real crime...

2006-10-26 01:25:08 · answer #10 · answered by chelleighlee 4 · 0 1

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