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Anyone out there think that Rush Limbaugh should be banned from the radio? I know he's allowed to express his opinions, but he is so biased against blacks, gays and handicapped people. And yet, he is a bloated, drug addicted, alcoholic, asshole so he has no room to critize anyone until he cleans up his act. Any responses?

2006-10-25 18:13:56 · 10 answers · asked by mesierens 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

10 answers

This answer is not meant to offend you, but every time dear, old Rush Limbaugh turns up the heat, out come the squawkers! If you can't take the heat, please don't listen. You are the sole proprietor of your two ears and what will pass through them. Rush is maybe as biased as you are. You know very well that he is not biased as you say, nor have I noticed him bloated, addicted or alcoholic. Furthermore to call a fellow American, a fellow human being, such a demeaning name as "ah" reflects on your character. Take a deep breath! And No, I don't think we should ban Rush Limbaugh from radio unless we ban Chris Matthews as well.

2006-10-25 18:27:58 · answer #1 · answered by lindakflowers 6 · 0 0

He is ridiculous, I can think of a number of things that he has said that are so off base they deify believe. What he just said about Michael J. Fox is another fine example of his abilities in thought and reason. I don't believe that censorship would do much good, I fail to find any reason to listen to him and I wish and hope for a country where he wouldn't have a following but that's not going to happen, there are all kinds of people. I don't know what should be done with these kind of people who are so fixated in their believes that right and wrong, lies and telling the truth all melt into rants and raves, but we are becoming very cynical and seem to go back and forth from anger and apathy. Maybe he could follow his own advice, when he said that all drug addicts should be put to death and do us all a favor.

2006-10-25 18:29:34 · answer #2 · answered by thoor_ballylee 4 · 0 1

Well drug atticted, alcoholic and asshole just describe a majority of actors, singers, and people who govern our wee bit of land. I didn't think anyone even listened to talk radio any more. Who knew? I guess even the racist have to have an idol. Least he doesn't have a reality show, yet.

2006-10-25 18:19:56 · answer #3 · answered by Gypsy Cat 4 · 0 1

Every person is entitled to express their views and make a statement. Someone out there must like his ideas or at least his fight, because they continually allow him to host a show. As long as people are willing to support him, his voice will be heard. There is no way to silence someone or there ideas, but they can be very easily ignored.

2006-10-25 18:19:09 · answer #4 · answered by rchlndstwdnt 2 · 1 0

i'm greater alarmed by the Republican attack on the form and invoice of Rights than i'm by hate speech on the radio. as a result to be in any respect honest i might could say he merits the 1st modification risk-free practices for his obnoxious speech that he might in all risk deny to many others if he had the prospect. For the apologist who referred to as for documentation of racism i will say i do no longer reveal myself to his bile, notwithstanding it became on the information right here while he made a remark approximately "Injun u . s ." numerous years in the past, that's seen a racist expression by maximum community people.

2016-10-16 10:22:06 · answer #5 · answered by quinteros 4 · 0 0

No. He has an absolute right to be a human pig, grunting into his microphone while his little piggy sycophants squeal and roll in the mud with him.

2006-10-25 18:31:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You foreigners need to keep your totalitarian ideas on your own third world site..

2006-10-25 20:12:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

rush is the best example of a bad example thats around.

2006-10-25 18:26:16 · answer #8 · answered by oldguy 6 · 0 1

you sure did describe him accurately.

but leave him on the radio. he's a constant reminder of what religious, right-wing moronic ******* are like! and every time he opens his mouth, representing them, he does damage to their cause.

he's scoring points for the opposite team. leave morons like him on the air!!

2006-10-25 18:19:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Freedom of speech, heard of it?????

2006-10-25 18:15:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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