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I live in Ohio, it`s very small. What are the pros and cons to living in LA. What do things cost there?

2006-10-25 17:49:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

7 answers

Costs are pretty high....but jobs pay enough to cover that...L.A. is great.... Check out Glendale..6 miles from downtown...a beautiful city...close to everything.

2006-10-25 17:54:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Traffic sucks, you have to target the right times of day to go out or driving 4 miles (literally) can take 30 minutes. Live close to where you work, expect a 1 Bed 1 Bath to be at least $1400 if you live in LA, Glendale is not LA, it's east and unless you want to live in the valley (which is hot and humid in the summer) then you want to live West of downtown which is the LA basin. That's where UCLA, Brentwood, Santa Monica, Venice Beach, Westwood, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Century City are all located. North is the valley which is where Burbank and Studio City are, Northwest is where Pacific Palisades and Malibu are. Check out a map, in general the rich areas are at the top of the hill and the farther down the hill you go (either north into the valley, south into the basin, or east into the desert, the more ghetto or crime-prone the area is.

There's illegals all over the place, illiterate laborers all over the place, homeless all over the place, the gas is more expensive, people drive huge SUVs and have an inflated sense of self-importance for no reason, the women are just as shallow as the men (dogs in heat) and the population keeps growing. The whether is decent but it is a desert, so there's a dust that gets left on everything.

If you are going to move here you'll want to go to westsiderentals.com and get a subscription. Whether you find a place to live through them or not it is a great resource for pricing of different areas and what to expect for your money. In the end you'll probably drive round an area you want to live and see phone numbers of vacancies. That's usually the way it works out.

2006-10-26 01:17:48 · answer #2 · answered by Jake Lockley 3 · 0 0

LA is a very large area. It's hard to give an accurate answer as to prices without knowing more.

I went to college there. I really loved it! The weather is mild year-round, but you will need a jacket. Evenings get pretty cool really fast because of the ocean so dress in layers if you will be out long.

There are all kinds of great restaurants, neat places to visit and cool things to see. My favorite is Santa Monica, the mall, the pier, and the Promenade. Great shops and shows, and the pier has rides and games.

California traditionally has a culture of tolerance, so you will see a lot of weird people there. But try to accept it, because they will also be willing to accept you for who you are.

Good luck to you! Have a great time!

2006-10-26 00:56:18 · answer #3 · answered by KC 7 · 0 0

LA, has it's ups and downs. there is south central LA, which is ghetto and a lot of violence, there is downtown LA, which has the fashion district and furniture, and flower districts. there is also bumn city in skid row, lots of drugs and violence.there is also west LA, they have all these nice places and fancy stuff, nice clubs in west hollywood, sunset. there is so much stuff to see here in los angeles, we're so close to beaches, malls, hollywood, big parks, pretty much everything you can think of. everything is regular prices. the gas is getting cheaper. there is lots of metro stations, so a car is not important. the weather is sooo purfect . the prices for rent are depending where you live. you go to downtown it's like starting from $1,600 ( the new apartments) a one bedroom is like $800.00 a month. so many people, many ethnicities and cultures. i lived in los angeles my whole lfe, so i should know.

2006-10-26 01:01:06 · answer #4 · answered by black_metal_mist 2 · 1 0

How can you want to move if you have no idea what it's like? Don't you mean you are.. considering it?
Why not figure out what you're looking for in a town (state or whatever) and then find out which one has it.

Might work better than believing what you see on tv is what the place is actually like in real life.

2006-10-26 00:57:46 · answer #5 · answered by Fluffy 4 · 0 0

I was in CA. In man differnt places. I loved it better than anyplace ever. But everything is very expensive.

2006-10-26 01:07:00 · answer #6 · answered by noface 2 · 1 0

insane traffic, hope you look hot just to fit in, gas is outrageous, smog and yeah, did i say traffic traffic traffic.

2006-10-26 00:56:42 · answer #7 · answered by Jessy 5 · 1 0

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