It's hard to judge from mere appearances. To the eyes of a foreigner, many Asian people seem loud and rude (they way they talk loud, slurp when they eat noodles, etc). But when you really engage with their culture, 'tis then that you realise their idea of manner and politeness is different to that of western culture-- it is something far beyond just action and behaviour.
For example, if you go to a home of a Japanese person, and express that you like a certain object, they will feel obliged to give it to you. Or, if you go out with a Chinese friend and express you are thirsty, they will also feel obliged to buy you a drink. Vice versa the situation, around people of far east, you should be careful of how you express your feelings. Also to a Chinese person, to even make a joke of "I am the best!" is a very impolite gesture, because one of the morals taught back in the time of Confucius is "humility". So politeness and mannerism in these cultures aren't really apparent by just behaviour and appearance. It is mainly through the exchange of people that their morals and politeness really show.
If you talk in terms of behaviour and etiquette, in REALLY old-fashioned Chinese tradition a saying goes for females "笑不露齒、行不搖裙", which means "do not show the teeth when smilling, do not shake the skirt when walking". It shows some of the etiquette imposed on the average women in China. And that relfects the concept of manner and politeness in the Chinese culture.
In history, the exchange of Chinese, Japanese and Korean cultures are evident through the "Kanji" writing system that is still used in Japan and Korea today, so that means the mannerism and thinking of these countries were also exchanged. So I guess the answer to your question is (in from my own oppinion and experience), people from these countries all share the same degree of politeness. It is really up to the individual and their upbringing which distincts them as "more" or "less" polite. Also, I like them all!
2006-10-25 21:38:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't know many Koreans.
I lived in Hoing Kong a year and know far more about Chinese people than the other two groups and I like Chinese people very much, particularly those I have met from the mainland.
But I was brought up with very strict and proper manners and upon first meeting, the Japanese are easier for me to spend time with.
I find the Chinese more friendly but also more blunt.
2006-10-25 17:40:10
answer #2
answered by o41655 4
Well, if I were to rate them strictly based on being polite, friendly and well mannered :
1) Japanese 2) Chinese 3) Koreans
I am a Chinese. The above observations are strictly based on 'generalisation'
2006-10-25 17:54:33
answer #3
answered by Karl 2
Haha. i'm in all risk thoroughly biased, yet i flow to declare my renowned style is chinese language! it quite is optimal, I pronounced it!! And so what if i'm basically choosing that by way of fact i'm some quarter chinese language! that would not remember! :| Lol. No, yet on a severe be conscious, I could agree. Korean music is in all risk the main suitable out of the different 3. YG entertainment is between the biggest Hip-Hop producing companies in the international! Duhh.
2016-10-16 10:21:00
answer #4
answered by quinteros 4
I really get along with Koreans, personality wise but Japanese are the most well mannered out of the 3.
2006-10-25 17:35:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Chinese because... well, because many of their successful investors follow I Ching (The Book of Change). I've read this book, and it sure explains a lot about how Chinese culture and such works. Well done China for being so damn successful on many aspects of change in life.
2006-10-25 17:34:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Japanese. I say this because I don't know any Koreans or Chinese people.
2006-10-25 17:35:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I loved Korea and Koreans. They were so warm, welcoming and accepting, and thrilled when someone even tries to speak their language. I lived there for two years and made friends that I considered almost family.
2006-10-25 17:38:50
answer #8
answered by Oghma Gem 6
Korean as well as chinese.
2006-10-25 17:33:20
answer #9
answered by Dream♥Girl 2
Generally, I dig all Asians. Even Kimmy Nuke Nuke.
2006-10-25 17:36:02
answer #10
answered by will 4