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My sister was getting her car towed, and was on the shoulder of the highway. Suddenly, her arm flys backwards and she felt this pain, and hear a loud pop. She slowly realized that she was hit by a car. The car was traveling at highway speed (50-65mph) and the sideview mirror of the car hit my sisters arm at that speed. She was on the SHOULDER of the higway, and there was a tow truck with the lights flashing right in front of her. This person was driving too close to the shoulder of the highway, which is why my sister got hit in the arm. The car pulled over and an asian man steps out. True stereotype?

2006-10-25 17:18:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

10 answers

I certainly do not agree. In addition to this, I do not believe in any stereotypes. They are just mere conventions that sometimes are misleading and can create reproaches to people.

2006-10-25 17:28:39 · answer #1 · answered by matheson 2 · 0 0


2016-05-22 14:43:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here is a forum thread with actual Asians discussing this. One Asian rice racer totally agrees with the stereotype, but he sounds like a jerk.

The point of the driver training guy was interesting. I must admit newer American cars are hard on people under 5'6". The hoods are higher. The steering wheels are thicker so they are harder for smaller hands to grab.

What percentage of Asian drivers need to be bad (and how bad) to make this stereotype true?

Culture note: I've been to Taiwan. It is SCARY the way they drive there. It is like being on a roller coaster. I am Chinese-American. I had a fun trip there. I have no ax to grind. But they drive dangerous as hell and I was amazed I did not see any accidents there.
1. If there is an uncontrolled intersection, they would just honk the horn and go right through, no rolling stop, to check.

2. There was this narrow narrow tunnel. I saw this bicyclist coming through the other way. If I were driving, I would stop until he came through. My business associate drove right in.
I was amazed that the cyclist was not wiped against the wall. Also amazed that the cyclist didn't curse or react in any way.
So if a Taiwanese driver came over here, he would have a TOUGH time adjusting to our customs.

2006-10-25 17:57:32 · answer #3 · answered by ciaobella 3 · 0 0

I am so sorry for your sister... that must have been horrifying! I can't imagine. In my opinion, stereotypes like that don't stick with me. There some people who drive who have bad days like all of us, some people who shouldn't drive altogether and people who are just too angry to be behind the wheel. I do feel so sympathetic to your sister...but the truth is, when you are on the road, near a road, etc. one can't assume that other people are looking out for you, you just have to be dilligent in looking out for yourself. I guess that's true in any situation, isn't it? You never know what people are going to do. In my city, there is at least one person that I have encountered a few times now, who has the worst case of road rage I have ever seen. Harrassing women, men, little old ladies, and he just never seems to stop. He frequents the same places, it seems, next time I see him, I will call the police, because one day, if he hasnt' already, he is really going to hurt someone. Maybe this person who hit your sister, (and I was thinking, at least he pulled over, many people wouldn't) will be more careful now, or get his license suspended.

2006-10-25 17:26:44 · answer #4 · answered by cindiloo 2 · 0 0

How unfortunate for your sister.
I hate the idea of people assigning stereotypes on others...and I'm definitely not prejudice, but I'm going to have to kind of go along with this one. I do ,however, mean it in a fun way and not to demean. There has been many instances where I have noticed some "bad" driving ahead to the point of wanting to see what they look like. Sure enough...most of the time (99 to 1) I wind up saying "I knew it...an Asian".(; )<

2006-10-25 17:42:06 · answer #5 · answered by Robere 5 · 0 0

I think its because a lot of them are so small. Its difficult for them to operate the car and see everything around them. I'm not trying to be funny. I do driver training and the students that have the most problems are the smaller people. who have problems reaching the petels and seeing over the dashboard.

2006-10-25 17:23:44 · answer #6 · answered by truckercub1275 3 · 0 0

I don't think this one can be attributed to the other driver. Being on the shoulder of the road is one of most dangerous places to be. All people drift toward what they are looking at. That is why it is so important to keep your eyes on the road, or your eyes on the ball. You are going to go toward what you are looking at, it is the same for all humans.

2006-10-25 17:23:49 · answer #7 · answered by sdh0407 5 · 0 0

No. Racist stereotype. Some Asians are good drivers, some aren`t.

2006-10-25 17:23:06 · answer #8 · answered by andy c 7 · 0 0

probably the man's just a phycopath

asians are pretty safe drivers. even if they have to dirve 50 mph, they will, just to be safe

2006-10-25 17:22:10 · answer #9 · answered by Tim M 2 · 0 1

my mother is asian, and she drives bad!

2006-10-25 17:23:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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