you did what you had to do, and now that is in the past and you can't do nothing about it, so forget about it and move on with your life.
2006-10-25 17:10:49
answer #1
answered by franklino 4
Having regret is a waste of time. There is nothing you can do to change the past. You did what you did to survive and it's totally understandable. Obviously it sounds as you are doing better, living wise. Why not be proud of the fact that you pulled yourself out of that homeless life. Because many homeless people stay homeless. You could still be in your car doing things you wished to forget for money to just survive.
There is no reason for you to let it haunt you. You are not a horrible person because of it and it doesn't make you who you are. It's only a small part of your life. Bad things and good things happen in life it's a balance that makes us who we are. You can't let the bad drag you down though. Being homeless and having to choose to do something for survial was horrible. I'm sure the experince has taught you a lot about life though. You may never be homeless ever again but you will always remember that. It will make the good things in life that much sweeter because you survived it.
2006-10-25 17:22:37
answer #2
answered by Gypsy Cat 4
I am sorry to hear that you went through this. When faced with regret in life, you have to forgive yourself. Understand that you can't change the past and start living for the future. Do not allow yourself to dwell on it. Find a friend and build trust with them and start to make good memories. Talk to someone: clergy, friends. professionals. There is help out there. Just know you did what you had to survive and that it's over now and you are stronger and wiser. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
2006-10-25 17:13:20
answer #3
answered by firelook 2
Forgive yourself you you did what you thought was best for you at the time so you could eat. Maybe if you are a religous person and belive in God ask him to forgive you. People do things that are regretable later in desprete times but you did what you thought you had to at the time so you could get something to eat. Just try your best to forget about it. Its done with you do not have to do it anymore it is understanable that you something like that you were depsprete but do not do the what ifs. Just say to yourself its over i done what i felt i had to do and say i forgive myself. If tell God i am sorry for what i have done then he will forget that it happen then you can move on.
I hope this helps you .
2006-10-25 17:14:41
answer #4
answered by knowssignlanguage 6
i've the identical obstacle as u do. IDENTICAL truthfully instead of the truth i've been looking to quit alot longer than u have. however here's the item. i believe if u hold attempting, and u wish to quit, god will forgive u when you consider that u are doing all u can to quit. consider god is forgiving and won't punish u if u r looking to be a well muslim. masturbation is haram, however it's also facet of nature. there may be handiest such a lot u can do not to do it correct? so i believe take a look at a couple of fundamental matters equivalent to now not looking porn, now not being round to many women, and now not being through urself, and possibly u can steadily quit or a minimum of reduce the quantity of instances u masturbate. desire i helped u!
2016-09-01 02:48:15
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Nothing is wrong with it in fact it's their fault YOU just needed the money no problem with that if it really bothers you take some threapy it could help in that sort of situation.Oh yeah don't let people call you homosexual since you were the tops it doesn't count really.
2006-10-25 17:12:58
answer #6
answered by THAT GUY 3
You're worrying needlessly. You're certainly not the first person to do something like that and you're not going to be the last.
If it's any consolation, when you get a real job, you're going to be doing lots of degrading stuff for your boss then, I would just forget that part of your life and move on to bigger and better things.
2006-10-25 17:12:05
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Seek Gods forgiveness and restoration through a relationship with Jesus. He is the great Healer. we all experience regrets at some time or another. Don't be too hard on yourself. You have your life ahead of you and the future can be much brighter than the past.
2006-10-25 17:12:00
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You did what you had to do in order to survive. There's nothing to regret about this...and it's already a past. Try to forget it, like nothing happened. Good luck =)
2006-10-25 17:13:22
answer #9
answered by Este 7
God loves you and He forgives you. now you have to forgive yourself. don't let the past ruin your future. you were in a desperate situation, and you did what you felt you had to do to survive. don't you feel bad about yourself. you hold your head up and be proud that you're loved and alive! now is the time to look forward, keep on keeping on, and never look back!
I wish you the very best, and I will keep you in my prayers.
2006-10-25 17:30:59
answer #10
answered by atiana 6
People have to eat.
As the saying goes "There's no point crying over spilt milk".
Try not to regret it, it's not like people will judge you because of it.
2006-10-25 17:13:47
answer #11
answered by Benet T 1