because in olden days, people used to empty their chamber pots out the window. men woul walk on the outside so that the woman wouldn't get hit.
no joke.
also, i assume, so the woman won't get splashed by the street?
2006-10-25 17:09:28
answer #1
answered by Eva Marie 2
As if a 150 lbs man can protect a woman from a 2 ton vehicle jumping the curb at 40 mi/hr with the invisible bumper on his ***. It's an example of some rule that folks made up back in the day when it actually made sense and only idiots today follow. Fortunately, I never followed rules for fools and was able to protect a lady from a motorcycle jumping the curb because I ALWAYS walk on the inside due to the tendency to face someone you're talking to (and thus the street) and the fact that my reflexes offer much better protection than the nonexistent driver side airbags on my nut sack.
2014-09-22 17:46:49
answer #2
answered by Quincy H 1
It's basically chivalry. The street-side is more hazzardous. An out-of-control car might hit the sidewalk, and the woman, being further away would be in less danger. Cars travelling though puddles might splash. The closer person will get wetter. It's about keeping the woman as safe as possible.
2006-10-25 17:10:39
answer #3
answered by Deirdre H 7
Well, the man is supposed to be the stronger sex and the protector. If he walks on the street side, there is less of a chance for the woman to get hurt or splashed with mud/water. Just a moral thing.
2006-10-25 17:10:47
answer #4
answered by cherry_kissez376 3
comes from europe about the late17th century, early 18th . in cities with buildings 2 stories and higher, the residents on the upper floors used to throw out their trash through the windows onto the streets and sidewalks. the trash naturally fell on the people below. it was manly for the man to protect the woman from falling trash and safer for the woman to walk close to the building and the man to take his chances closed to the street
2006-10-25 17:15:17
answer #5
answered by oldguy 6
It dates back a very long time ago when they did not have trash collectors. The people would throw the trash from the homes onto the streets and the men walked on the outside so their ladies would not be assaulted with garbage. I think that is how the custom started, but don't quote me.
2006-10-25 17:13:41
answer #6
answered by jhglittergirl 2
I was delivering fliers around neighborhood once and a police officer/friend was walking with me and he walked on outside of sidewalk and he told me it was because a gentleman always walks closest to the street in case a car would come towards us and he could try to save me or get hit first! Ha!
2006-10-25 17:11:40
answer #7
answered by who_me 2
Many years ago in the age of horse and buggy men walked on the outside to protect the woman from becoming soiled . The roads were dirt and wagons and horses and later autos splashed mud and dirt upon people walking. Women wore long dresses and sometimes hoops or many petticoats. and it was difficult to launder and iron these items.
2006-10-25 17:11:44
answer #8
answered by muffinsowner 1
Came from times when garbage and dirty water was thrown from upper apartment windows onto the street in cities. Idea was that the person walking next to the building would not get hit.
2006-10-25 17:10:49
answer #9
answered by Rockster 2
Its a protection thing, suppose a car was headed in their dir. the guy could push the woman out of the way. Also if someone was to pull up with intent to do harm or steal the woman. the man would already be in the way.
2006-10-25 17:10:39
answer #10
answered by truckercub1275 3