I adore animals myself and hate to see any of them been hurt or abused, but when it comes to the Police dogs and horses, guide dogs for the blind, dogs for the deaf and epileptic,dogs for the disabled, sniffer dogs, mountain rescue etc, I can honestly say these animals are never overworked or abused, they are very intelligent animals who are trained to help the people they work with, how awful would it be if we took these animals away from those people and left them on their own with no help, dogs are working animals and get really bored and lazy just sat around in a house all day long, they are far too intelligent to just do that, these dogs are never abused or overworked, but loved and in excellent condition because they have to be, the poor animals that are enslaved for cruel peoples uses are the ones that need to be sorted out and not the working dogs, how many people have had their life saved because of them, how many people have a life again because of them, it would be a sad cruel world for those people who need those dogs to have them taken off them wouldn't it.
2006-10-26 00:44:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
True, some animals r over-worked, but even worse is the abuse they suffer at the hands of that superior animal.....man. Humans forget animals r God`s creatures too and feel pain, hunger, heat and cold and they bleed the same color blood as we do. Where is the mercy these so called superior intelligent beings show to the lowly animal, when so many r treated far worse than any slave What a sad,psychotic world we live in..or I should say what sad, psychotic people live on this earth.
2006-10-25 17:59:30
answer #2
answered by flamingo 6
I'm more worried about the abuse then them working. In fact working animals seem more happy then those who don't. Especially dogs who seem to love having a job and a purpose. Even if that purpose is catching a stick.
I think it's sick that there are puppy mills were animals live worse then even some slaves. I seen one show where the dogs were out in freezing weather, on concret, the person washing the pens out sprayed them down with cold water even soaking the dogs. Many of them with open wounds that were not allowed to be touched. A dog was dying they wouldn't even put it down they let it slowly die and then it stayed in the pen with the other dogs till they were ready to get rid of it. It was only taken further out to the property to be thrown in a pit with other dead dogs.
It's sick and horrible and all animals should have more rights then that.
2006-10-25 17:07:52
answer #3
answered by Gypsy Cat 4
It isnt slavery. Animals are smart. What would you think about it if your little girl or your wife was kidnapped and murdered, and a Police Dog tracked her scent, and found her? What then?
Your questions are poorly thought out.
2006-10-25 17:22:56
answer #4
answered by ~~ 7
I dont think thats call slavery. Animals is use to help man. And do you have to mention BLACK PEOPLE?
Im Pink btw. they call me Pink panther.
2006-10-25 17:40:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
no, OVERWORKING an animal is slavery/abuse, but dogs, for example, who were bred to herd cattle, or bred to pull sleds, or bred to be especially protective (like police dogs) - they love to do that stuff because they were bred to be physically adept at it. if you prevent them from doing work like that, then you are opening them up to lots of behavioral problems, which will cause you much grief!
2006-10-25 17:04:16
answer #6
answered by mighty_power7 7
sure it is slavery. The animal is working against its own will. I mean, it woud rather be sleeping.
2006-10-26 01:20:24
answer #7
answered by Yellow Submarina 7
catch a grip my friend.we use animals the same way they use us as in we feed them, by the way i love dogs :)
2006-10-25 17:05:18
answer #8
answered by fivelighters 4
we have murdered 40 million unborn babies in the past 30 years...and yet some people are worried that a certain species of bird or moose my die out, whilst we dress our pets in clothes.
our priorities are a bit messed up, eh????
2006-10-25 17:02:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
no. we never ate black people.
2006-10-25 17:05:10
answer #10
answered by romulusnr 5