I hear it falls out at baby #3. I've also heard that the doctor will sew everything up like you're a virgin after baby #3. I'm not trying to be rude, this is stuff I really heard, but I'm done at baby #2.
2006-10-25 16:35:12
answer #1
answered by So far away 2
I had 4 babies in 1981, 1983, 1985, and 1987. The first was the hardest because I was so scared. the second and third were easiest, 4 hours from first contraction to end, no drugs. The fourth had to be induced after 2 days labor.
Its a pot shot. You may have an easy time and you may not. Do take lamaze classes again though.
2006-10-25 23:38:07
answer #2
answered by crzygal 3
Each experience is different. The third delivery is liable to be a lot quicker than the first two, so you need to be prepared for that and make sure you're not too far from the hospital. I think a lot of times each successive delivery gets easier - at least that's been the concensus among my girlfriends and sisters. Good luck and try not to worry too much.
2006-10-25 23:34:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I am sorry to say no. I have three boys. I love them all very much but there is something about that third becoming the odd man out that makes it hard for me. I have to make sure that I don't pet the little one to much, don't make the middle one just that, the middle one all the time and I can't let the older forget he was my first baby. It works, but it is difficult with the odd number. Now to congratulate you on having your baby! I wish you all the luck in the world! You will do fine!!!
2006-10-25 23:39:43
answer #4
answered by lisalou 1
Awww... Sounds like Mommies emotions are kickin in high gear. First let me say CONGRATS!
Now...No pregnancies are the same. I have had 4 myself. 2ND one was a still born. I found it, obviously for obvious reasons to be my hardest. My third was harder than my first. There are too many factors that play into births...size, weight etc....
Hmm...I guess what I am saying is that no two pregnancies are a like. I tell people that pregnancies are more like snow flakes. :) (perfect for Dec.)
Just enjoy the last few months of your pregnancy. Unfortunately, there is no way possible to give you an exact answer.
Wishin you the best,
2006-10-25 23:40:48
answer #5
answered by ~*bUtteRFy~*~kISSeS*~ 4
well if u want the truth no it usually dont get any esier sometimes it does depending on ur pregnancy but its usually the same with all once u have one baby its usually the same but not for all women ive had 7 babies and i was in alot of pain with all of them the amount of time ur in labor seems to get shorter thoughand u know what to expect the next time around so good luck and congrats on ur new baby
2006-10-25 23:42:07
answer #6
answered by imahoholickmyfillin 1
Oh wow all a year apart. I have not had my third yet. Baby #2 is due feb., but I have heard it gets easier.
2006-10-25 23:35:11
answer #7
answered by The Invisible Woman 6
I had high hopes, too...every time and I had 5. There is no guarantee that it gets easier..I am sorry to be the one to tell you! But I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Good luck, Mommy!
2006-10-25 23:39:04
answer #8
answered by KathieJo 5
it seems yeah!?!??!!?
because when my mom delivered the third one in the family
she sweared that it was the easiest birth she had ever made
she said the first was the hardest cause i was scared the second is better the third is very good comparing to the first 2?!?!?!?!!?
2006-10-25 23:43:48
answer #9
answered by Safe 2