Its a good book but its only a story. I've provided two links below. The first is the official description of the symbolism on the dollar bill. The second explains the symbolism as representation of the founding father's ties to Freemasonry and the Illuminati. Understanding the Illuminati, freemasonry, the knights Templar and their influence takes many hours of research. Its all very intriguing and if you enjoyed the book you'll be fascinated by the stories of all three. The Illuminati were represented by the cigarette smoking man on the TV show X files. There is a ton of great reading on all of these topics on the web. All of these issues are contentious but fun reading. If you look you'll find that people have found symbolism even in the layout of streets and building of Washington DC.
Good luck and happy reading......
2006-10-25 16:25:08
answer #1
answered by white_yack 3
The Egyptian pyramid is a symbol of strength and duration; the 13 steps indicate the original number of U.S. states; and the 13 steps leading to an unfinished summit indicates future growth of the nation. The eye is known as the "Eye of Providence" and is surrounded by rays of light. According to Webster's New World College Dictionary, "providence" can mean: a looking to, or preparation for, the future; provision.
skill or wisdom in management; prudence.
a) the care or benevolent guidance of God or nature, b) an instance of this.
God, as the guiding power of the universe.
The single eye shows up in Egyptian mythology as the Eye of Horus, an ancient god of the Egyptians. The eye represented wisdom, health and prosperity. Some people think that the "all-seeing eye" is a symbol of Freemasonry, a fraternal organization, and they interpret this as proof that the Founding Fathers believed in Masonic principles and wanted to impose Masonic order on the United States.
2006-10-25 16:22:04
answer #2
answered by ~MonS~ 3
They are Masonic symbols. The Secretary of the Treasury who designed the bills was a Mason
2006-10-25 16:17:07
answer #3
answered by October 7
the pyramid and eye come from a little known secret society diriven from the knights templar
2006-10-25 16:14:36
answer #4
answered by PushDownAndTurn 4
The pyramid and eye represent the government. The words under it mean one world government. Our government will be our enemy.
2006-10-25 16:16:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's supposed to represent new world order. Something about the Illumanati ending up ruling the world, or something like that.
2006-10-25 16:15:29
answer #6
answered by Angela D 3
It's the government watching you & stealing your money through pyramid taxing.
2006-10-25 16:14:00
answer #7
answered by Ivyvine 6
Represents the lluminati
2006-10-25 16:14:26
answer #8
answered by Chief Slapaho 1
The eye is God watching over us.
2006-10-25 16:13:41
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
the minds eye... the all seeing eye... what ever you want to call it
2006-10-25 16:13:54
answer #10
answered by Kevin M 3