Older people need attention just like a child. They are as precious as a child. If you listen to them you could learn something. My mother died when she was 80 my father died when he was 78. It is strange how things my parents said or taught me I am relaying them to my seven children. Don't ever mistreat an elderly person. Just try to understand them. On day, if the Lord don't come first, you will be old. Remember that
2006-10-25 16:15:51
answer #1
answered by tacker 1
I know many who have wonderful experiences to share, like a 93-year-old gent who did not fight in WWII because, at that time, he already owned and managed a successful machine shop. The government needed him to stay home and run his shop, working with government contracts, to supply parts and pieces for all the vehicles and equipment needed to win the war. He said it was interesting having all the women come to work in what was usually a man's field. They learned quickly and worked hard, he said, because most of them had husbands or brothers who were away fighting and needed the equipment for which these women were now making parts and pieces.
Another elderly friend is often a minute or two late coming into the worship service on Sundays -- not because she has trouble moving quickly, but because there were two or three more people she needed to greet when the music started.
Senior citizens are a valuable resource of which we need to avail ourselves more. Of course your taste is different than theirs; their taste was different than their grandparents' taste, too. That's certainly nothing new. If you think they're mean or cantankerous, try speaking respectfully and politely. Ask if it's a good time for them to talk. Then, let them do most of the talking. Many will be delighted to have an ear. If the conversation gets negative, gently and politely steer it to the positive.
Be thoughtful and sensitive and aware, as well as polite. That'll go miles in helping someone of any age want to treat you kindly.
2006-10-25 16:20:46
answer #2
answered by thejanith 7
It's cool to hear about their life. You know the simple times when a person walked 5 miles, both way, up hill, in the snow for a slushy. They were only 10 cents then and only had one flavor. That was if you were rich! If you were poor you used snow and poured home-made juice on it from the juice tree outside. Yeah, juice grew on trees back then it wasn't all fancy store bought, and there was only one flavor. Of course you had to be careful making a snow slushy because if you accidently used the yellow snow near the outhouse it kinda tasted weird.
Yeah old people are cool!
2006-10-25 16:15:30
answer #3
answered by Gypsy Cat 4
Old people are the salt of the earth. They have more wisdom than youth. They are our parents, our teachers, our leaders in life. They set an example of how we should be and the world would not be the world without them. Maybe they are mean sometimes... Forgetful, even physically weak, but we come from them and our lives are colorful because of them. We must love them and take care of them because one day when we get old we would hope for the same fate. As a child my mother carried me, fed me, and always took care of me and in the end I will carry her, feed her, and spend every moment with her until she finds eternal rest.
2006-10-25 16:14:19
answer #4
answered by Mom_of_two 5
I very much value our elderly. They have lived a very long time and can teach us about a thing or two. When you sit and talk with them, you start to realize that they are human too and they too were once young like us. I feel sorry for them when their grown-up children abandon them & put their parents in a place where no one treats them with the dignity & respect they so deserve.
2006-10-25 17:32:20
answer #5
answered by sunny4life 4
Old people are usually very conservative and not for the newer technology or anything like that.
I guess they are okay. Interesting to talk to. A few years ago I was talking about WW2 with my grandpa who fought in it. Old people can tell you a lot of cool stuff and how cheap things were back 60 or 70 years ago.
My GREAT GRANDFATHER said that chocolate was only ONE PENNY!
Holy crap!
2006-10-25 16:10:29
answer #6
answered by Sarah* 7
I adore elderly people, if you take the time to listen there is a great deal you can learn. They have lived and seen a great deal in their lives. I find most of them full of wisdom and information. i do not believe anyone gets that old being dumb. so, i find it very useful to pay attention to what they have to say. God bless
2006-10-25 16:14:37
answer #7
answered by ? 7
Some of them are so lonely that they can't stop talking when someone is willing to talk with them. It can be bothering, but it's also very sad to see them so lonely. We'll all grow old some day, so I guess we should be nice to old people.
2006-10-25 16:11:19
answer #8
answered by claire d 2
I agree that we have lot of things to learn from lthem and they talk about their younger days how father used to take him for shopping how he used to help his father by carriyng the things. Apartfrom this they to be loved so much they are fragile but as told by one of my friend they are mentally strong. when they will be with us though comparatively old we feel easy and feel young and i feel responsibility is less though i do everything for them .Now i remember my grandmother used to supportme when my mother used to get angry and my grand mother's lap was one of best security from fear and darkness.
2006-10-25 16:28:31
answer #9
answered by Sathyavathi S 2
I think they dont get the respect and understanding that they should. Other cultures like the Native Americans, Asians etc hold their elders in high regard.
2006-10-25 16:12:46
answer #10
answered by missourim43 6