How come men hit on women when they have on a ring. Even when you show it to them they don't care. Are alot of men like that? I always feel uncomfortable and stunned that the guy doesn't just shut up after he sees the ring.
17 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Marriage & Divorce
I am not married, but I do always wear a ring. I work in a public place and see tons of different people. I just can't believe how many horrible men there are that don't care.
16:10:17 ·
update #1
I say it is about even on women and men. Most married women and married men would rather fool around with another married person, because they know they are going to be discreet and more cautious than a single person.
Think about it.
2006-10-25 16:14:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It has been my experience that married women get hit on at least TWICE as much as single women. Me and my married girlfriends have noticed this when we go out from time to time. A friend of mine (a guy) told me that a lot of men like the idea of a married woman because she might be into having a fling and there will be no strings attached if she is married. I told him he was full of it, but then I asked around and actually found that lots of men think this way...
2006-10-25 16:11:31
answer #2
answered by missapparition 4
It is the game that men play and they play 24/7. A married woman is safe for a man if she is a willing partner to play with. All he has to do is meet up for some booty on occasion and then go on about his business. No worries of a relationship. Men don't care at all. You will probably have married men and single men that will play the same game. They all do it all the time.
2006-10-25 16:13:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
A lot of men find it enticing to hit on a married woman, and it's a rush to actually steal one away from her husband. If they find you attractive, they don't care if you have a ring (well of course, the good ones do) and it's part of the thrill of hunt/chase if you have one, and they can try and talk to you into something. If you feel uncomfortable, be blunt, let them know that you are married and wouldnt leave your husband for anyone else in the world.
2006-10-25 16:08:21
answer #4
answered by overwhelmed85 3
Youre not alone. I get hit on by women and I do wear my wedding ring. In fact one time a gal wanted me to move my wedding ring from the left hand to the right. (I have yet to figure what that going to do.) Some folks honor the ring - others dont. Its more how YOU look at it.
2006-10-25 16:11:23
answer #5
answered by rokdude5 4
yea a lot of people see this as an o k cituation why i am not sure.
some feel that it does not matter , some see it as a game , and society has changed so much over the years that now it seems more and more acceptable to be able to have affairs I mean look at how easy it is for people to get a divorce now days. some people change spouse faster then they do cars.
they dont want to have sex with your ring .
have you watched despeate houswives on tv or have you watched much tv latley it is all over telling us that this is acceptable.
so good luck on finding your best answer.
2006-10-25 16:14:09
answer #6
answered by blue ox 1
You're right...they don't care. In fact, some of them take it upon themselves to make it a conquest to get u at whatever cost. It's the "I want what I can't have" syndrome. That's the point u should turn around and just walk away.
2006-10-25 16:09:25
answer #7
answered by cheetah7 6
most of them think it is a go away ring, the exact reason you wear one. they are just testing the waters. ot are looking for someone married to have an affair with.
2006-10-25 16:25:23
answer #8
answered by avanging bride 2
men are dogs!!! when i feel like a guy is hitting on me at work i make sure my ring is visible i scratch my face or something and they don't even care, it doesn't even phase them!!
2006-10-25 16:08:32
answer #9
answered by misspinkdiamond 2
Because they are morons that think with the wrong part of their bodies given not all men behave like this but 80% do.
2006-10-25 16:07:59
answer #10
answered by Amy M 5