name, symbol, atomic number, and atomic weight.
some are more detailed, but your most basic one will at least have all of those.
2006-10-25 15:48:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
ok. It varies from periodic table to periodic table, yet common tips is often presented: Chemical image - it is the single, 2, or 3 letter area of each and every field that provides the abbreviation of the english or latin call for the element; occasion: "Cu" for copper call - it is merely the call of the element that the field represents, and it frequently under the logo. Atomic variety - it is the variety in between the perfect corners of the field. It grants the form of protons and electrons of the element while it has unbiased fee. Atomic mass - it is the variety on the backside of the field. It supplies the mass of one mole of the element. those are the 4 uncomplicated tips given. wish i ought to help. Bye.
2016-12-08 21:30:58
answer #2
answered by ? 4
It depends on what periodic table you look at.
Most contain symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, and the name of the element.
2006-10-25 15:53:43
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Some are very complex, but at a minimum would be the symbol, atomic number, and atomic mass.
2006-10-25 15:49:05
answer #4
answered by Nelson_DeVon 7