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ok so here it is, this is very embarassing but whatever. ok my girlfriend and i have been together for more that 2 yrs now. and well she has this thing.. like a fetish. she realy likes to play with guys a s s. ok so atfirst she would allways go there and i told here wtf no way etc.. but eventually she kept begging me to do it just a little, and so i let her play wit my a s s hole when we did it. but after awhile she kinda started to take it to a whole other level, and she would stick stuff in there and i got used to it. and well now i actually enjoy it ALOT. so help me i so confused does that make me gay?!! i'm addicted! i need her to play with my but or i'm not satisfied, i even do it to myself when she's not there!!!! help am i gay ?? how can i stop liking it up the butt!!!

2006-10-25 15:18:48 · 23 answers · asked by trevir287 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

23 answers

your one of us now
your gay

2006-10-25 15:22:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I saw a question very similar to this one and the best answer I saw was, "Close your eyes, who would you rather have sticking something in your ***, Tom Cruise or Katie Holmes? Having something put up your but does not make you gay, gay guys give blow jobs, are you gay after having a blow jo b?

2006-10-25 22:24:31 · answer #2 · answered by thoor_ballylee 4 · 0 0

As long as you limit yourself to just girls, you're not gay. And, besides, you don't "become" gay, you "choose" to be gay. Homosexuality is not genetic, it's a choice. By the way, it's also a sin. And I kind of have the feeling that taking stuff up the butt isn't exactly in God's will, either.

2006-10-25 22:24:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

hey, it's alright dude, a lot of people enjoy anal stimulation, but it doesn't mean that it's homosexual...it's only gay if it involves a dick I'd say...besides, as long as you're still with you're girlfriend of 2 years, the chances of you guys breaking up seems pretty slim, so I'd say keep up with what you're doing unless you start fantasizing about men or something like that, but then again, if you have nothing wrong with being gay then go for it! but I wouldn't worry about it, you wouldn't be the first guy to play with his bung-hole

2006-10-25 22:24:30 · answer #4 · answered by ihaveaquestion 2 · 1 0

no that doesnt make you gay! thats just something you enjoy during sex, having strong feelings for the same sex, not wanting to be with the opposite sex and only being attracted to the same sex = gay!

A bit of a fetish in the bedroom is called FUN, live it up boy!

2006-10-25 22:23:09 · answer #5 · answered by Aussieblonde -bundy'd 5 · 0 0

no your not gay
well i dont think you are
if your not attracted to the opposite sex well then no
i guess you got used to it and enjoyed it after the last 10 or more times you did it
well try to find another way of satisfaction
instead of you butt
well good luck with that hopefully you get over it

2006-10-25 22:21:52 · answer #6 · answered by Moi, 3 · 0 0

That doesnt make you gay.I'm seeing a guy that likes it up the butt and he is straght. It gust means that you like to play thats all. There is a lot of girls out there that likes to do that kind of stuff to guys.

2006-10-25 22:24:00 · answer #7 · answered by sweetheart_12074 2 · 1 0

One question? Are you attracted to other men? If not than NO you are NOT gay. Just because you find this activity enjoyable does not mean your gay. Alot of men enjoy this. Don't worry.

2006-10-25 22:21:06 · answer #8 · answered by Alyss K 3 · 4 0

No, that does not make you gay, it's just another way of expressing your sexual feelings. Alot of straight guys like it there. They will never admit it because it is "gay" but, there is nothing wrong with it.Try anal beads

2006-10-25 22:22:16 · answer #9 · answered by Cf Precious 3 · 0 0

No, you're not gay - your G-spot is in there. Now if you wanted another guy to play back there, then yes you would be.

2006-10-25 22:22:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Rule one: you cant r a p e the willing. If you like it now, you liked it before. Don't blame her, she might stop liking you and then you wont be able to borrow any of her clothes.

2006-10-25 22:20:32 · answer #11 · answered by Chillyboy 3 · 1 0

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