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i REALLY need to know so if u know a good one tell me.

2006-10-25 15:17:45 · 10 answers · asked by emo_minxlette_16 1 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

im really serious about this. and i want NO stupid answers so if ur going to give one then dont even bother to waste my time!!

2006-10-25 15:22:48 · update #1

10 answers

Introduction to Wicca
*Buckland's Complete Book Of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland
* Wicca, The Old Religion In The New Age, Vivianne Crowley
* A Witches' Bible Complete, Janet & Stewart Farrar
* Drawing Down the Moon, Margot Adler
* The Spiral Dance, Starhawk
* Natural Magic, Marian Green


* The Only Way to Learn Astrology, March & McEvers
* The Only Way...: Basic Principles, March & McEvers
* The Only Way...: Horoscope Analysis, March & McEvers
* The Only Way...: Math and Interpretation Techniques, March & McEvers
* Mythic Astrology, Liz Greene

Auras and Energy

* Wheels of Life, Anodea Judith


* Wheel of the Year, Dan & Pauline Campanelli
* Festivals of the Athenians, H.W. Parke
* Aquarian Book of Festivals, J. Cooper
* 1999 Witches Calendar, Llewellyn

Ceremonial Magick

* Psychic Self Defense, Dion Fortune
* Complete Golden Dawn, Israel Regardie
* Modern Magick, Donald Michael Kraig
* Philosophy of Natural Magic, H. C. Agrippa
* Three Books of Occult Philosophy, H. C. Agrippa
* Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, H.C. Agrippa


* Wheels of Life, Anodea Judith
* Luscher Colour Test, Max Luscher

Comparative Mythology

* New Larousse Encyclopaedia of Mythology
* Witches God, Janet and Stewart Farrar
* Witches Goddess, Janet and Stewart Farrar
* Ancient and Shining Ones, D. J. Conway
* Celtic Gods, Celtic Goddesses, R. J. Stewart

Craft Laws

* The Witches Way, Janet and Stewart Farrar
* Positive Magic, Marion Weinstein


* Runes
o Raido, Jennifer Smith (http://www.tarahill.com/books.html)
o The Runic Reading List, Runesmith (http://www.ica.net/~runesmith/bibliogr)
o Leaves of Ygddrasil, Freya Aswynn
o Teutonic Magic (ISBN 0875422918)

Teutonic Religion (ISBN 0875422608)
both by Kveldulf Gundarsson Scrying
o Crystal Gazing & the Wonders of Clairvoyance, John Melville
o Scrying for Beginners, Donald Tyson
* Divination other than scrying
o Games of the Gods, Nigel Pennick
o The Ancient Science of Geomancy, Nigel Pennick
o Ouija, The Most Dangerous Game, Stoker Hunt
o Pendulum Power, G. Neilsen
* Tarot
o 78 Degrees of Wisdom, Rachel Pollack
o Royal Road, Stephan Hoeller
o Tarot: ANew Handbook for Apprentices, Eileen Connolly

Fairy Tales

* Grimms Fairy Tales
* Blue Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Brown Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Grey Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Pink Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Lilac Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Orange Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Violet Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Yellow Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes, Brian Wildsmith

Gender Specific Mysteries

* He, Robert A. Johnson
* She, Robert A. Johnson
* We, Robert A. Johnson
* MotherWit, Diane Mariechild
* To Know, Jade (out of print)
* Blood , Bread & Roses, Charlene Spretnak


* Polarity Therapy, Randolph Stone


* The Master Book of Herbalism, Paul Beyerl
* The Herb Book, John B. Lust
* The Natural Remedy Bible, John B. Lust
* The Herbal Tea Garden, Marietta Marshall Marcin

Incense and Oils

* Magical and Ritual Book of Perfumes, Richard A. Miller
* Wylundt's Book of Incense, Wylundt
* Aromatherapy, Robert Tisserand
* Golden Secrets of Mystic Oils, Anna Riva


* Full Catastrophe Living, Jon Kabbat-Zinn
* How to Meditate, Lawrence LeShan
* Highways of the Mind, Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki (out of print)
* The Way of the Goddess, Shantara Khalsa


* The Moon and the Virgin, Nor Hall
* Moon Madness, Paul Katzeff
* Mysteries of the Dark Moon, Demetra George


* Celtic
o Celtic Gods, Celtic Goddesses, R. J. Stewart
o Pagan Celtic Britain, Anne Ross
o Celtic Heritage, Alwyn & Brimley Rees
o The Apple Branch, Alexei Kondratiev
o See also Irish and Welsh, below
* Egyptian
o Ancient Egyptian Religion, Stephen Quirke
o The Book of the Dead (Faulkner Translation), Raymond Faulkner
* Greek
o Light in Extension, David Godwin
o The Iliad, Homer
o Theogony, Works & Days, Hesiod
o The Odyssey, Homer
o Greek plays by Aeschylus
* Irish
o Early Irish Myths and Sagas, Jeffrey Gantz
o Myth, Legend & Romance: An Encyclopedia of the Irish Folk Tradition, Dáithí Ó hÓgáin
o Mythic Ireland, Michael Dames
* Norse
o Poetic Eddas
o Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe, H. R. Ellis Davidson
o Teutonic Magic, Kvendulf Gundarsson
o Teutonic Religion, Kvendulf Gundarsson
* Roman
o The Aeneid, Virgil
o On The Nature of the Universe, Lucretius
o Metamorphoses, Ovid
* Sumerian
o Mesopotamian Myths, Henrietta McCall
o Ancient Mesopotamia, A. Leo Oppenheimer
o Sumerians: Their History, Culture and Character, Samuel Kramer
* Welsh
o The Mabinogion, trans. Jeffrey Gantz

Nature Spirituality and Lore

* Natural Magic, Doreen Valiente
* Full Circle, Lone Wolf Circles
* Sacred Land, Sacred Sex, Dolores LaChapelle
* Folklore of Birds, Laura Martin
* Sharing Nature with Children, Joseph Cornell
* Thinking Like A Mountain, Seed, Fleming, Macy & Naess
* Dictionary of Symbolic and Mythological Animals, J. Cooper
* Lady of the Beasts, Buffie Johnson
* Confessions of an EcoWarrior, Dave Foreman
* Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth, J. Lovelock
* Petersen's Field Guides to...

Pagan History

* Splendor Solis, Solomon Trismosin
* Night Battles, Carlo Ginzburg
* Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath, Carlo Ginzburg
* History of Pagan Europe, Pennick & Jones
* Triumph of the Moon, Ronald Hutton


* The Benham Book of Palmistry, William G. Benham


* Devoted to You, Judy Harrow et al.
* A Guide to the Gods, Marjorie Leach
* The Witches' Goddess, Janet & Stewart Farrar
* The Witches' God, Janet & Stewart Farrar

Public Relations and the Law

* The Law Enforcement Guide to Wicca, Kerr Cuhulain
* The Truth About Witchcraft Today, Scott Cunningham

Principles of Magic

* Spells and How They Work, Janet & Stewart Farrar
* Path to Power, Roger Heisler
* Natural Magic, Marian Green
* Good Magic, Marina Medici


* Adam and the Kabbalistic Tree, Z'ev Ben Shimon Halevi
* Kabbalah for the Layman, Rabbi Berg
* The Mystical Qabalah, Dion Fortune
* The Shining Paths, Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki (out of print)

Ritual Construction

* Celebrating Life, Tzipora Klein
* Magical Rites From the Crystal Well, Ed Fitch
* First Steps in Ritual, D. Ashcroft-Nowicki

Robes and Degrees and Dress

* A Pictorial History of Costume, Pepin Press Staff
* The History of Costume, Braun & Scheider (http://www.suie.edu/COSTUMES)


* Eight Sabbats for Witches, Janet and Stewart Farrar
* Wheel of the Year, Dan & Pauline Campanelli
* Celebrate the Earth, Laurie Cabot


* The Wicker Man, Allan Frewin Jones
* The Hero Within, Carol S. Perason
* The Cuisine of Sacrifice Among the Greeks, M. Detienne

Song and Chant

* Circle of Song, Kate Marks
* Carpe Noctum, Tamarra James (http://www.indiecanada.com/tamarrajames)


* The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones, W. Fernie
* Precious Stones, May Bauer
* Book of Sacred Stones, Barbara Walker


* Mask of Apollo, Mary Renault (out of print)


* Magical Alphabets, Nigel Pennick
* The Complete Book of Amulets and Talismans, Migene Gonzales-Wippler
* Secrets of Magical Seals, Anna Riva

Tool Making

* Tree Medicine, Tree Magic, Hopman
* The Complete Metalsmith, Tim McCreight

Wiccan Traditions

* Gardnerian
o Witchcraft Today, Gerald Gardner
o The Meaning of Witchcraft, Gerald Gardner
o High Magic's Aid, Gerald Gardner
* General
o Drawing Down the Moon, Margot Adler
o Witchcraft From the Inside, Raymond Buckland
o Lid Off the Cauldron, Patricia Crowther (out of print)
o Complete Art of Witchcraft, Sybil Leek
o The Complete Book of Witchcraft, Katherine Paulsen
o The Grimoire of Lady Sheba, Lady Sheba (out of print)
o Natural Magic, Doreen Valiente
o An ABC of Witchcraft, Doreen Valiente
o Witchcraft for Tomorrow, Doreen Valiente
o The Rebirth of Witchcraft, Doreen Valiente (out of print)
o Witchcraft, A Tradition Renewed, Doreen Valiente
o Books by Margaret Murray, Lois Bourne, Vivianne Crowley
* Alexandrian
* Dianic
* Faerie

Good General Books

* Lucid Dreams in 30 Days, K. Harary
* The Practical Guide to Psychic Self Defense and Well-Being, Denning & Phillips

2006-10-25 17:22:24 · answer #1 · answered by AmyB 6 · 3 0

The Magus a Complete System of Occult Philosophy by Francis Barrett

2006-10-25 15:23:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The reverend has a lot of data to get through,but I'd second her motion for "Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler as a good general introduction to the whole world of occultism,and a great starting point.

2006-10-25 18:23:25 · answer #3 · answered by foxspearman 4 · 0 0

Peter Caroll:
Liber Null & Psychonaut
Liber Chaos

Phil Hines:
Condensed Chaos

Robert Anton Wilson:
Prometheus Rising
Cosmic Trigger

Good Website


Many sacred texts, as well as numerous books on Magick, online.

Try The Principia Discordia
The Book of the Church of the Subgenius

Personal favourites, by Amber Wolfe:
The Aurthurian Quest
Personal Alchemy
Elemental Power

to name a few...and the movie Knightriders, just mentioning it because it's one of my favourites, and has had a strong influence on me.

Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!

2006-10-25 21:49:31 · answer #4 · answered by Hatir Ba Loon 6 · 0 0

Much of Yogi Ramacharaka's work deals with the ocuult, in an easy to understand and easy to practice way.

Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism by Yogi Ramacharaka

Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism by Yogi Ramacharaka

These are both available from Amazon, and I strongly recommend them.

He also wrote a book called Mind Power, under his real name of Walker Atkinson. This is an exceptionally good book too.

2006-10-25 15:40:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

"Occultism is in its essence man's effort to arrive at a knowledge of secret truths and potentialities of Nature which will lift him out of slavery to his physical limits of being, an attempt in particular to possess and organise the mysterious, occult, outwardly still undeveloped direct power of Mind upon Life and of both Mind and Life over Matter."

So, it really depends on what type of occultism you're wanting to know about. But, some good links, on occultism, in general, are here:



http://www.erowid.org/spirit/occult/occult.shtml (this one has links to other sites that are pretty good)


2006-10-25 15:33:26 · answer #6 · answered by Midnight Butterfly 4 · 0 1

The Bible is the best and most powerful book of hidden wisdom.

Some of it you really have to dig deep for, but earnest study is greatly rewarded. It is the most spiritually active book on the planet. Get a readable version such as "The Living Bible" or "The New Living Translation".

2006-10-25 16:08:46 · answer #7 · answered by LL 4 · 0 4

there are many already stated but here are a couple of more:

the Man, Myth and Magic series

the Supernatural series

2006-10-26 09:58:57 · answer #8 · answered by Marvin R 7 · 0 0

The Necronomicon

i don't know who wrote it.

2006-10-25 15:26:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

The Koran!


2006-10-25 15:20:19 · answer #10 · answered by ? 1 · 0 4

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