Introduction to Wicca
*Buckland's Complete Book Of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland
* Wicca, The Old Religion In The New Age, Vivianne Crowley
* A Witches' Bible Complete, Janet & Stewart Farrar
* Drawing Down the Moon, Margot Adler
* The Spiral Dance, Starhawk
* Natural Magic, Marian Green
* The Only Way to Learn Astrology, March & McEvers
* The Only Way...: Basic Principles, March & McEvers
* The Only Way...: Horoscope Analysis, March & McEvers
* The Only Way...: Math and Interpretation Techniques, March & McEvers
* Mythic Astrology, Liz Greene
Auras and Energy
* Wheels of Life, Anodea Judith
* Wheel of the Year, Dan & Pauline Campanelli
* Festivals of the Athenians, H.W. Parke
* Aquarian Book of Festivals, J. Cooper
* 1999 Witches Calendar, Llewellyn
Ceremonial Magick
* Psychic Self Defense, Dion Fortune
* Complete Golden Dawn, Israel Regardie
* Modern Magick, Donald Michael Kraig
* Philosophy of Natural Magic, H. C. Agrippa
* Three Books of Occult Philosophy, H. C. Agrippa
* Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, H.C. Agrippa
* Wheels of Life, Anodea Judith
* Luscher Colour Test, Max Luscher
Comparative Mythology
* New Larousse Encyclopaedia of Mythology
* Witches God, Janet and Stewart Farrar
* Witches Goddess, Janet and Stewart Farrar
* Ancient and Shining Ones, D. J. Conway
* Celtic Gods, Celtic Goddesses, R. J. Stewart
Craft Laws
* The Witches Way, Janet and Stewart Farrar
* Positive Magic, Marion Weinstein
* Runes
o Raido, Jennifer Smith (
o The Runic Reading List, Runesmith (
o Leaves of Ygddrasil, Freya Aswynn
o Teutonic Magic (ISBN 0875422918)
Teutonic Religion (ISBN 0875422608)
both by Kveldulf Gundarsson Scrying
o Crystal Gazing & the Wonders of Clairvoyance, John Melville
o Scrying for Beginners, Donald Tyson
* Divination other than scrying
o Games of the Gods, Nigel Pennick
o The Ancient Science of Geomancy, Nigel Pennick
o Ouija, The Most Dangerous Game, Stoker Hunt
o Pendulum Power, G. Neilsen
* Tarot
o 78 Degrees of Wisdom, Rachel Pollack
o Royal Road, Stephan Hoeller
o Tarot: ANew Handbook for Apprentices, Eileen Connolly
Fairy Tales
* Grimms Fairy Tales
* Blue Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Brown Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Grey Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Pink Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Lilac Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Orange Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Violet Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Yellow Fairy Book, Lang, Ford & Hood
* Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes, Brian Wildsmith
Gender Specific Mysteries
* He, Robert A. Johnson
* She, Robert A. Johnson
* We, Robert A. Johnson
* MotherWit, Diane Mariechild
* To Know, Jade (out of print)
* Blood , Bread & Roses, Charlene Spretnak
* Polarity Therapy, Randolph Stone
* The Master Book of Herbalism, Paul Beyerl
* The Herb Book, John B. Lust
* The Natural Remedy Bible, John B. Lust
* The Herbal Tea Garden, Marietta Marshall Marcin
Incense and Oils
* Magical and Ritual Book of Perfumes, Richard A. Miller
* Wylundt's Book of Incense, Wylundt
* Aromatherapy, Robert Tisserand
* Golden Secrets of Mystic Oils, Anna Riva
* Full Catastrophe Living, Jon Kabbat-Zinn
* How to Meditate, Lawrence LeShan
* Highways of the Mind, Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki (out of print)
* The Way of the Goddess, Shantara Khalsa
* The Moon and the Virgin, Nor Hall
* Moon Madness, Paul Katzeff
* Mysteries of the Dark Moon, Demetra George
* Celtic
o Celtic Gods, Celtic Goddesses, R. J. Stewart
o Pagan Celtic Britain, Anne Ross
o Celtic Heritage, Alwyn & Brimley Rees
o The Apple Branch, Alexei Kondratiev
o See also Irish and Welsh, below
* Egyptian
o Ancient Egyptian Religion, Stephen Quirke
o The Book of the Dead (Faulkner Translation), Raymond Faulkner
* Greek
o Light in Extension, David Godwin
o The Iliad, Homer
o Theogony, Works & Days, Hesiod
o The Odyssey, Homer
o Greek plays by Aeschylus
* Irish
o Early Irish Myths and Sagas, Jeffrey Gantz
o Myth, Legend & Romance: An Encyclopedia of the Irish Folk Tradition, Dáithí Ó hÓgáin
o Mythic Ireland, Michael Dames
* Norse
o Poetic Eddas
o Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe, H. R. Ellis Davidson
o Teutonic Magic, Kvendulf Gundarsson
o Teutonic Religion, Kvendulf Gundarsson
* Roman
o The Aeneid, Virgil
o On The Nature of the Universe, Lucretius
o Metamorphoses, Ovid
* Sumerian
o Mesopotamian Myths, Henrietta McCall
o Ancient Mesopotamia, A. Leo Oppenheimer
o Sumerians: Their History, Culture and Character, Samuel Kramer
* Welsh
o The Mabinogion, trans. Jeffrey Gantz
Nature Spirituality and Lore
* Natural Magic, Doreen Valiente
* Full Circle, Lone Wolf Circles
* Sacred Land, Sacred Sex, Dolores LaChapelle
* Folklore of Birds, Laura Martin
* Sharing Nature with Children, Joseph Cornell
* Thinking Like A Mountain, Seed, Fleming, Macy & Naess
* Dictionary of Symbolic and Mythological Animals, J. Cooper
* Lady of the Beasts, Buffie Johnson
* Confessions of an EcoWarrior, Dave Foreman
* Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth, J. Lovelock
* Petersen's Field Guides to...
Pagan History
* Splendor Solis, Solomon Trismosin
* Night Battles, Carlo Ginzburg
* Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath, Carlo Ginzburg
* History of Pagan Europe, Pennick & Jones
* Triumph of the Moon, Ronald Hutton
* The Benham Book of Palmistry, William G. Benham
* Devoted to You, Judy Harrow et al.
* A Guide to the Gods, Marjorie Leach
* The Witches' Goddess, Janet & Stewart Farrar
* The Witches' God, Janet & Stewart Farrar
Public Relations and the Law
* The Law Enforcement Guide to Wicca, Kerr Cuhulain
* The Truth About Witchcraft Today, Scott Cunningham
Principles of Magic
* Spells and How They Work, Janet & Stewart Farrar
* Path to Power, Roger Heisler
* Natural Magic, Marian Green
* Good Magic, Marina Medici
* Adam and the Kabbalistic Tree, Z'ev Ben Shimon Halevi
* Kabbalah for the Layman, Rabbi Berg
* The Mystical Qabalah, Dion Fortune
* The Shining Paths, Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki (out of print)
Ritual Construction
* Celebrating Life, Tzipora Klein
* Magical Rites From the Crystal Well, Ed Fitch
* First Steps in Ritual, D. Ashcroft-Nowicki
Robes and Degrees and Dress
* A Pictorial History of Costume, Pepin Press Staff
* The History of Costume, Braun & Scheider (
* Eight Sabbats for Witches, Janet and Stewart Farrar
* Wheel of the Year, Dan & Pauline Campanelli
* Celebrate the Earth, Laurie Cabot
* The Wicker Man, Allan Frewin Jones
* The Hero Within, Carol S. Perason
* The Cuisine of Sacrifice Among the Greeks, M. Detienne
Song and Chant
* Circle of Song, Kate Marks
* Carpe Noctum, Tamarra James (
* The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones, W. Fernie
* Precious Stones, May Bauer
* Book of Sacred Stones, Barbara Walker
* Mask of Apollo, Mary Renault (out of print)
* Magical Alphabets, Nigel Pennick
* The Complete Book of Amulets and Talismans, Migene Gonzales-Wippler
* Secrets of Magical Seals, Anna Riva
Tool Making
* Tree Medicine, Tree Magic, Hopman
* The Complete Metalsmith, Tim McCreight
Wiccan Traditions
* Gardnerian
o Witchcraft Today, Gerald Gardner
o The Meaning of Witchcraft, Gerald Gardner
o High Magic's Aid, Gerald Gardner
* General
o Drawing Down the Moon, Margot Adler
o Witchcraft From the Inside, Raymond Buckland
o Lid Off the Cauldron, Patricia Crowther (out of print)
o Complete Art of Witchcraft, Sybil Leek
o The Complete Book of Witchcraft, Katherine Paulsen
o The Grimoire of Lady Sheba, Lady Sheba (out of print)
o Natural Magic, Doreen Valiente
o An ABC of Witchcraft, Doreen Valiente
o Witchcraft for Tomorrow, Doreen Valiente
o The Rebirth of Witchcraft, Doreen Valiente (out of print)
o Witchcraft, A Tradition Renewed, Doreen Valiente
o Books by Margaret Murray, Lois Bourne, Vivianne Crowley
* Alexandrian
* Dianic
* Faerie
Good General Books
* Lucid Dreams in 30 Days, K. Harary
* The Practical Guide to Psychic Self Defense and Well-Being, Denning & Phillips
2006-10-25 17:22:24
answer #1
answered by AmyB 6