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This includes getting in trouble for someone else's mistake(s), getting hurt because of someone else's actions, and suffering at school or work because you're always expected to work with someone who really shouldn't be there due to lack of the ability to think, to name a few.

2006-10-25 15:08:21 · 5 answers · asked by Deus Maxwell 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers

I am VERY sick of suffering for other people's mistakes! And I have for many years; particularly at work. I have the particular displeasure of working at a very well-known supermarket in the South East, which is run by some of the biggest morons you could imagine! They put kids that are barely out of high school in charge of experienced adults (many with bachelors degrees), and expect the place to run smoothly. And of course, you work with a lot of mentally disabled people and people who belong in the psycho ward. Let's not forget those wacky individuals who think it's their job to tell everyone else what to do, even though they've been working there less than 3 months. It's like you're always trying to un do the mess they've made. It's a never-ending cycle of frustration! your co-workers do nothing, and get all the credit, while you bust your chops working and suffer. What a world, huh?

2006-10-25 15:22:45 · answer #1 · answered by Road Trip 3 · 1 0

I can sympathize with your feelings - we've all been in that situation at one time or another. The only way to get out of it though, is for you to change the situation. Don't wait on someone else to change. Don't play the victim anymore. Worry about yourself, your own life, and what other people are doing so much. Life isn't fair - you have to make your own success.

2006-10-25 22:13:11 · answer #2 · answered by kikisdragon 3 · 0 1

Well, I've never been a VICTIM of other peoples' stupidity (you can't get f*cked if you don't bend over), but I'm sick of all the halfwits in the world nonetheless.

2006-10-25 22:11:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I am only tired of being the victem of spell-check abstinence.

2006-10-25 22:11:17 · answer #4 · answered by GaryD 1 · 0 2

well if u put urself in that situation,tough ****,most people r smart enough to avoid things like that

2006-10-25 22:12:08 · answer #5 · answered by artcherman 3 · 0 2

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