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Really, how are they the same?

2006-10-25 14:49:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

12 answers

They're not the same. Not even similar.
A heterosexual is a human being attracted, sexually and emotionally, to the opposite sex
A homosexual is a human being attracted, sexually and emotionally, to the same sex

A pedophile is an adult of EITHER sex who is sexually attracted to children

2006-10-25 15:00:15 · answer #1 · answered by belmyst 5 · 0 0

Simply because of the fact that homosexuals proclaim that since they cannot help the way they are sexually oriented, then its ok and normal and genetic. So if this is the case, why arent pedophiles given the same excuse. They are indeed sexually attracted to small children. Can they HELP IT! Its a choice and a perversion. So that is why homosexuals and pedophiles are compared. They both deviate from normal biological sexual behavior. WHy is one to be embraced, and the other criminalized. Of course a pedophile cannot have consensual sex, but that does not negate the fact that he still has an "alternative sexual" desire.

2006-10-25 15:54:14 · answer #2 · answered by Coco 4 · 0 3

They are not the same. One is a grown man or woman who feels attraction and love for another grown grown person of the same sex. The other is a person who molests children for the feeling of power it gives them. Statistically, more straight males are pedophiles than gay males.

2006-10-25 14:57:32 · answer #3 · answered by Girl Wonder 5 · 1 0

They are not the same thing. Anyone could be a pedophile, but some pedophiles victimize the same sex and/or the opposite sex. It's sad that people don't know there is a BIG difference.

2006-10-25 14:52:54 · answer #4 · answered by Myra 4 · 3 0

I've heard some people talk about "gay" like it's a sickness. That could be what that's all about. I've seen people who were gay cry because they hate that they're that way. I know God loves all of us, so we just need to keep searching for the "right" answer.

2006-10-25 14:56:34 · answer #5 · answered by hartovalion 3 · 2 1

They aren't the same. Some people are small-minded and cannot allow themselves to consider people who have different beliefs than them to be normal. Therefore they judge them and classify them as others who happen to be sickminded.

2006-10-25 14:52:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I know being Gay isn't the same as being a freak! I don't understand it either.

2006-10-25 14:53:54 · answer #7 · answered by traci s 4 · 1 2

Some people are a bit out there !

2006-10-25 14:53:20 · answer #8 · answered by Geedebb 6 · 1 0

B/C most male pedophiles that you hear about target boys. In reality, most of these men couldn't imagine having sex with men, they are heterosexual otherwise.

2006-10-25 14:52:45 · answer #9 · answered by normobrian 6 · 5 1

I don't know anyone who does that, but my answer would still be the same if I did: They are ignorant fools.

2006-10-25 14:51:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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