nicely said. the laws of this country are meant to protect people from harm. gay people are not harming anyone by getting married, therefore, it should be legal.
other points to think about if you are trying to argue this with people...
america was started by people trying to avoid persecution for their religion. now, america is using religion to persecute other people.
god is not supposed to be in school or government, but he is. "in god we trust" is on all our money, "one nation under god" is in the pledge people say at school. none of these things are upholding the original law of separation of state and church.
gay people are not asking churches to recognize their marriages, they are asking the state to.
2006-10-25 14:58:03
answer #1
answered by jumpoutjane 3
An excellent ethics question. What is God doing in government? Well, God is there because the men and women who make the laws are driven by their own system of morals and ethics. These will very often contain religious sentiment. That's why God is in Government, dearheart. Whether the point is right or wrong Bibically (which I personally think two consenting adults should be al;lowed to marry if they so choose, or at least have a legal civil union) traveres into the law just because of the people who are making them. Blessings.
2006-10-25 14:45:17
answer #2
answered by Mama Otter 7
Since the government was founded by some people fleeing religous persecution, and The Great Awakening and Enlightenment occured, Government has been based on religon. Also in the Pledge of Allegiance said in school it mentions god. People are always saying "The bible says..." But what if you don't read the bible or don't belive in religon. Don't say anything about the Bible unless everyone belives in the bible.
2006-10-25 14:42:25
answer #3
answered by Donovan G 5
For the same reason they say that murder is wrong, that child abuse is wrong, because some things are just right and wrong.
next they are not saying it is wrong, it has alwasy been wrong.
So why are people trying to use religious values to make the government change and allow it ?
Next God can be in the government, there is no seperation, the only law is that the government can not pass a law restricting religion.
And the biggest reason the largest, biggest percent of people don't want it, they vote it down each and every time ti comes up for a vote, alomst a 1 to 4 vote
2006-10-25 14:36:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It shouldn't. Proponents of same-sex marriage want to flash the giant "equal rights" card in your face, when behind the card you miss all the ramifications. --Taking a parent's right away with respect to being the one to teach children what marriage is. --Taking the rights of churches away, making them marry whoever. --Taking away the right of a child to be raised in a home with both a mother and father, proven by scientific research to be the optimal scenario. This illegitimate right of 'same-sex marriage' cannot trump the aforementioned rights of others. --No other civilization or era has had the gall to consider changing the definition. What makes us think we are any smarter?? --Changing the definition means changing it for everyone, including heterosexual couples. --If love be the only criteria to marry, then why can't one have more than one wife? Or marry his dog or horse? --The African-American vote has demonstrated that this is not a civil rights issue. After all, you didn't see interracial couples requiring civil unions at any time, did you?
2016-05-22 14:19:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
if we are talking about same sex marriage ...i dun think that GOD will approve it..but i dun know what is written in bible..but i have read before that some stupid government had approve it which is not logic at far i is for woman and woman is for man..then how come there is been created same sex love and marriage..really nonsence..
anyway..i would like to give a small advice..if any one of u are in this category plz stop it for GOD SAKE..
2006-10-25 14:50:08
answer #6
answered by CuTe GaL.. 2
there hasnt really ever really been seperation between the government and God. But they just cant pass laws restricting peoples religions. I think that its a persons choice who they want to marry its 2006 and people are feeling more comfortable with themselves and who they are and who they love, and i know that it wont ever be accepted fully, so be in love, love who you want who needs that paper anyway...
2006-10-25 14:44:24
answer #7
answered by untouchablenikki907 1
Marriage is a LEGAL union between a man and a woman. Some members of the clergy are LEGALLY allowed to unite a man and a woman in matrimony.
2006-10-25 15:50:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think its about keeping tradition and I guess that the law says that marriage is between a man and a woman.
2006-10-25 14:39:41
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
God has always been in our government. The founding fathers started each day of working on the consitution by praying. God has always been in our school system, the very first public school in the New World was created by The Old Deluder Satan act by Puritans. Our legal system has always been based on the JudeoChristian belief system of right and wrong. The real question is why are they trying so very hard to rewrite history to ignore it? Marriage is and always has been a social, cultural, and religious institution, it can't make it as any one, it needs all three to function fully. The very definition of marriage in nearly all cultures is a lifelong binding between a man and a woman, specifically with the intention of producing and raising children. (a few cultures have been one man and mulitple women and a very few cultures have allowed for divorce and remarriage as an 'ok' thing) NO culture before our own, including the ancient Greek and Roman culture which embraced homosexuality even more than we do, ever pretended that it was marriage. If the govenment wishes to legalize the practice of homosexuality that is a social and cultural choice that takes a willing step away from the religious roots of this culture. But to call it 'marriage' is not only against the social, cultural, and religious roots of this country as well as any other known country but also against science, which acknowledges the primary purpose of marriage to be a place to procreate and raise children, as a homosexual union can not procreate and many studies have found that children raised by homosexual parents are greatly disadvantaged in many areas, not to mention more likely to experiment earlier with 'risky' sexual practices themselves. Its not that a case can be made for 'homosexual marriage' but that how does one make a case FOR it? Since homosexual behavior, from its 'open nature' (57% if homosexuals admit to having more than 30 partners, 35% claim more than 100. One study placed the numbes as high as 45% admitting to more than 500 partners in a lifetime. The Advocate 1994) to its infidality (the average Dutch homosexual partner within a 'marriage' has 8 extra-marrital partners within a year. Washington Times) to its lasting average ( Dutch homosexual 'marriages' last an average of 1 1/2 years. Washington Times) to their life expectancy (the average age of death for a gay man is 42, only 9% live past 65 and the average for a gay woman is 45, 24% live past 65, compare that to the average age of death for a heterosexual male, 75, and heterosexual female, 79.) homosexual relationships are not marriages. added addendum: For those that argue that we are denying homosexuals the right to mary I have this to say. Love is not a legally required prerequisite for marriage. Its helpful, but not necessary. Everyone in the U.S. has the same right to marry, doesn't matter what their personal beliefs or wants are. I, and everyone else, has the legal right to marry a living person of the opposite gender who is not currently bound to another in marriage, who is not a close relative, who is above the age of consent, and who consents before witnesses. I can not, if I so wished, marry my father, my brother, a comatose person, a child, a person who is already married, or someone who is the same gender as I. Same rights, same rules for all Americans. If we omit one of those rules to appease a small special interest group (realistic estimates of homosexuals are 1-2% of the U.S. population) then marriage has no protection from any other special interest group who would seek to marry someone they 'love' as opposed to someone they can legally marry. What is my fiance gets into a car accident the day before my marriage and goes comatose? Should I be able to wed him just because I love him? Even thou he can't give his permission? What if a pedophile wishes to marry his 6 year old daughter? Shoud he be allowed to just because he says he loves her? The exact same marrital rights that protect us all, of every age and distinction, bind us all to marry only within the bounds of those rights.
2006-10-25 15:02:08
answer #10
answered by Jez 2