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If people know those who are gay they can monitor their behavior and prevent problems like Foley's. After all, gays are everywhere: in Congress, in the White House, in the military, among reverends, priests and bishops.

2006-10-25 14:11:32 · 4 answers · asked by zeca do trombone 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

4 answers

It is not good role-modeling for children.

2006-10-25 14:41:15 · answer #1 · answered by Brigid O' Somebody 7 · 1 1

the bible says men who lie with men will not inherit the kingdom of God. He says it is detestable in the sight of God to work what is immoral and perverted. That is why sodom and gomorrah were destroyed because all of mankind had turned to badness and every lecivious thing .
God hates what is unnatural and so must we. God blessed a marriage between a man and a woman. That is what is acceptable. Any other combination is outlawed and deserving of death.

2006-10-25 21:18:08 · answer #2 · answered by debbie2243 7 · 1 2

yes, and it would keep them from fooling me & making me their beard. it's surprising how many gay guys are attracted to a chick carrying a 5 foot staff as a weapon!

2006-10-25 21:14:20 · answer #3 · answered by Gabrielle 6 · 0 0

Well, for those of us who fear God and understand that He is not mocked: it is a very very very big deal.

People who are for gay marriage, are against Jesus. It is that simple.

2006-10-27 10:32:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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