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i`m suppose to write an essay to satire something i hate about "high school" and i`ve chose stereotyping for a certain race of people. like asian, white, hispanic!
please help me to name all the things people stereotype when it comes to race..
thank you so much...........
and anything that you can help me with this essay will be helpful!

2006-10-25 13:55:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

6 answers

Not just race but sexual orientation, religion, and subculture. Such as goth, emo, jock, preppie, punk, for lack of a better term wiggers, skater kids, and whatever else. I think subculture stereotypes are most popular in jr and high school. Some of the sterotypes for them might be; Goth, dressing all in black, listening to underground dark bands, being into anything vampire or occult related. Emo, depressed all the time even for no reason, depressing music, guys who will wear make-up and nail polish and spend more time on their hair then most girls. Jock, atheletic but stupid as a rock, part of the in crowd, gets all the girls. Preppie, has lots of money, shops at only name brand stores, only listens to what's in. Wiggers, normally poor kids, try to act gangster, emulates what goes on in the rap and hip hop culture. Skater kids, everything is about skating, wears skate everything, listens to music that would be in skate games or at the x games. Punk, into anarchy, into punk music ya know the real kind, not the poser kind unless they are poser punk, dresses in well anything that is cheap and not a name brand, and mowhawks.

2006-10-25 14:16:57 · answer #1 · answered by Gypsy Cat 4 · 0 0

Blacks- all say "yo" and dress in clothing 15 sizes too big. All speak ebonincs and get weaves in their head and wear blue contacts. The women are loud and pushy, have tons of babies by different baby daddies, and are on welfare. Men like white women who are fat and abandon their children. Oh, and blacks are the most racist.

Whites- White guys are all nerds. White girls give up the goods easier, which is why the black guys like them so much. They think every black person who looks at them hates them. They walk like something is up their butt, and the women have no butts to speak of.

Hispanics- they're feisty! They eat at taco bell. They only eat tacos, and are all illegal, even if they arent mexican. They like to hang out with the blacks. They hate white people. Oh, and they can't speak english and have no desire to learn the languag.

Asians- smart nerdy and quiet. The women are docile and do what ever you want. The men just try to blend in with the rest. They study hard and are never poor or on welfare. They all have slanted eyes and only eat rice. Oh, and they eat cats and dogs.

These are the stereotypes I've seen people posting on this site alone.

2006-10-25 15:14:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i might say your in general candy however it is customarily a entrance. you rather have your possess plans and can do some thing almost always to look them despite the fact that so long as it does'nt harm your loved ones or very near peers. I additionally could placed you within the no longer so wellknown crowd at tuition. you appear just like the variety who trys to stick out of the limelight for worry of what different folks could suppose of you. and it is certainly that you do not take inventive critizisism very good.

2016-09-01 02:43:08 · answer #3 · answered by cerenzia 4 · 0 0

but the stereotypes are usually true... hmm, just kidding, I don't know, hmm, let's see....oh I got one.....Mexican's with low riders and driving old beat up civics (well here where I live sometimes it happens) and then you look over and it's not a mexican guy driving it. i'll come up with more and get back here

Edit: Well here's something obvious....Asians are smart....Asians are nerds/dorks...and Asians eat animals like dogs or cats....(but you know i think they are true!) Not offending anyone, but I've seen it on TV and like we don't eat hamburger? Don't we slaughter the cows?

2006-10-25 14:00:02 · answer #4 · answered by Suzy Suzee Sue 6 · 0 0

No one give me thumbs down ok i don't mean all this stuff i am just helping with an essay ok folks lets keep that in mind.

white girls eating disorders and stuck up

Hispanics poor, illegal aliens, have too many kids and are dirty.

Asians rich, smart, stingy and love money.

Blacks welfare, thieves, bad attitudes, lazy and stupid.

also blacks love watermelon and fried chicken this one might be true though.

2006-10-25 14:56:28 · answer #5 · answered by Eisha 2 · 0 0

uummmm...how they look and what they act like when they don't even know anything about them....rawr!..don't even get me started on that....it makes me mad!!!!!...

2006-10-25 13:58:10 · answer #6 · answered by :] 2 · 0 0

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