Sept 16, 2006 an interesting new sculpture exhibit called PALETTA GRANDE, Italian for "big scoop", was introduced at Frederik Meijer Gardens in Grand Rapids, MI and on the web at
A big scoop it was, measuring in at 12x12 ft with a 22 ft handle. Situated behind Da Vinci's 24 ft majestic equestrian sculpture the "American Horse", it also featured several mounds of strategically placed horse poo.
Right away the media called it a prank, even reporting that Meijer Gardens was out to prosecute the pranksters. Just as quick, some locals suggested that the facts didn't ring true and perhaps due to slumping sales, Meijer Gardens staged this "prank" as a publicity stunt. Given the perimeter security, the scoop remaining on display over 4 busy hours, and other clues, it suspiciously points to an insider job.
Who can settle this debate? If it was a prank, what charges could actually be brought, littering? Could Meijer actually stoop to such tactics?
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