No - quite the opposite.
Puppy dander has been shown to improve infants' resistance to developing allergies and things like asthma.
Playing outside in the dirt and grass, or at public playgrounds and sandboxes helps develop immune responses too - despite what you may have heard.
Raising a child in a hypo-allergenic bubble causes all sorts of auto-immune problems later in life.
2006-10-25 11:03:50
answer #1
answered by Rick W 5
Get one now! If you expose a new baby to a puppy, the chances of allergies to dogs decrease. They build up immunities to them. Also, training is easier without having a little one around. It does not take that long to potty train a puppy. Make sure to baby train the puppy as well. You do this by having your husband bring a baby blanket home from the hospital (with the baby's scent on it) and letting the dog get accustomed to the smell. Also, never alienate the puppy from the baby. Let your dog smell and lick the baby. Never give your dog extra attention when the baby is sleeping or he will want the baby gone all of the time. Most importantly, never leave the dog alone with the baby EVER. Even if it is the most docile dog in the world. Good luck to you and happy parenting!
2006-10-25 12:35:04
answer #2
answered by TRUE PATRIOT 6
She's not at all likely to be in heat at 4 months old. The earliest for small breeds would be 6 months though most would be in heat for the fist time anywhere between 8 months to a year. Most breeders would recommend breeding at 2nd or third heat, when they are more mature, and never on the 1st heat. When she is in heat, separate her from males. Don't leave her where lots of other dogs are or you'll run into trouble. If you do not want her to ever get pregnant, she should be spayed.
2016-05-22 13:47:53
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The only reason it would be a health hazard is depending on the dog and size of the dog, you should get a placed dog that won't trample on the baby when bub can walk just remember dogs grow much quicker then humans so the puppy won't be a puppy for long. I got a whippet when I fell pregnant with my son and he was wonderful, he was only small weighing 9kg at max, he was only new when I got him and was the most placed dog, he was my sons best friend, he was very protective and would walk into the room every 15 mins to check on the baby, He was very tolerant to which you need for toddlers. Good luck.
2006-10-25 11:20:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i have three dogs and 1 child and another on the way havin a dog is a good thing but it is also a handful with a newborn. its a good thing because as some one else said it help the child build up its immune system. but you do still have to be careful because a child could inhale a dog hair or wit it being a pup and wantin to play but still wen the baby is born the child could caught an infection from the dog due to it just carryin something in on its coat etc. even wit all that if you thinkyou could handle have the two around then go for it but i warn you, you will have your hands full. good luck wit everything. : ' )
2006-10-25 11:12:45
answer #5
answered by bumbil123 1
you're about to have a baby and you want to bring another baby (a puppy) into the house now?! please don't do that. i've seen a lot of people want the cute puppy, but then neglect the puppy when the baby comes along. a baby is hard work, so please only buy a puppy when you have the time, money and patience to look after it fully. when your kids are grown up more then you could get a puppy and teach them caring and responsibility. i feel it would be too much for you and your husband at this time.
2006-10-25 11:04:54
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
if you are planning on getting a dog now is the time. i have two large dogs. we got the first dog, a lab when my daughter was about 2 months and it proved to be difficult for me to take care of both. i wish we would have gotten the dog when i was pregnant so i could get used to life with a puppy before bringing in a baby. i am now pregnant with our second and we just adopted another dog he is a huskey/greyhound mix and i think he will do great with the baby because he is now used to my household.
2006-10-26 03:30:01
answer #7
answered by sarah k 2
I had the same dilema and decided to wait until my baby is six months old before bringing a dog to the house. It might also help with possible jealousy as the baby will have been there first not the other way round
2006-10-25 11:19:56
answer #8
answered by Serry's mum 5
It would be an awful lot of work for YOU.
A newborn baby is a LOT of work.
A puppy is a LOT of work and requires training.
I would not get a puppy if I were a couple of months away from having a baby....especially a first baby when you're not really sure what you're in for yet! :-)
I'd think about it down the road, once the baby is a few months old.
2006-10-25 11:26:06
answer #9
answered by momma2mingbu 7
i wouldnt have thought the hair would be the main problem, because the puppy could get aggressive and jealous of the baby when u give it mite start attacking the child.
But i supose if u get a very docile dog, that isnt too hyper then i suppose it would be ok.
2006-10-25 11:13:18
answer #10
answered by **shell** 2