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hi my boyfriend dont seem himself around me when i say about our baby im 4-6 weeks at the mo he just tells me 2 shut up about it why??? :(

2006-10-25 09:27:13 · 23 answers · asked by Rachel M 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

well i hv got a 2 year old aswell

2006-10-25 09:34:18 · update #1

well im 19 hes 22

2006-10-25 09:36:08 · update #2

23 answers

Sounds like he won't be around for the birth with an attitude like that. Dump him now and consider an abortion. I take it your 2 year old is not his. Haven't you heard of contraception?

2006-10-30 02:11:43 · answer #1 · answered by pampurredpuss 5 · 1 0

he may just be a bit nervous, is this second child as well (you didnt say). But even if it is he may still be nervous as 2yrs have passed and we all forget about the sleepless nights etc.

The best thing for you to do is try and have the 2yr old looked after over night, maybe with grandparents if possible. then just come out and ask him its the only way you'll find out the truth. Its always best to do these things when the children arnt around.

Also tell him how hes making you feel, bottling things up is never good and especially when your pregnant. You both need to air you views on this and find out what you both want.

Good Luck and I hope it goes well!!

2006-10-31 08:39:44 · answer #2 · answered by jojo 3 · 0 0

Congratulations, you need to understand women deal with been pregnant in a different way to men, just because he doesn't want to tall or hear about it doesn't mean its not what he wants, My husband was a shocker when it came to the baby, until I started showing and he could see the change, just remember you know your body is changing because you can feel it changing he can't, things should change when he sees the baby by ultrasound and start to get excited more when he can feel the baby move. Don't worry to much just give him time and realize he can't get as excited at this point because its not real to him yet. Be patient and I'm sure he'll be a wonderful father. Good luck

2006-10-25 16:56:35 · answer #3 · answered by mj_missi 4 · 0 0

maybe hes having a hard time getting his head around the fact hes gonna be a daddy n needs to sort it in his own mind before disscussing it with you? Having said that he needs to realise you have needs and feelings about the whole situation n telling you to shut up isnt very grown up. u shud try leaving the subject alone for a week n if he still tells you to shut up about it ask him outright if he wants it or not then you'll at least know where you stand. good luck hun x

2006-10-25 16:36:08 · answer #4 · answered by lavix 2 · 0 0

I wouldnt worry about it too much. My partner is quite perculiar like that too. He isnt really nasty but if i ask him to do anything he'll say something like i wish that baby would fall out, you can tell kelly's pregnant again. Or he'll say he regrets getting me pregnant etc. I know he wants the baby because it was planned and hes a wonderful dad to our first. I just think some men especially when at a young age like our partners, find it hard to be around pregnant girls. Its like they dont know how to act and in their eyes were just fat. They dont understand that there is actually a baby in there. When the baby arrives i am sure he'll be fine, and if you already have one child its not as though he doesnt know what to expect.

Hang in there i know its tough being pregnant, im having the same problems myself. Just let him deal with it his way, dont nag him and you just enjoy having that precious baby grow inside you

2006-10-26 05:11:26 · answer #5 · answered by kelly 2 · 0 1

If is a planned pregnancy which I assume it is not because he would be happy about it. Give it time it may need to sink in. you may get a reaction like that from lots of people you know. hang in there he will come around you don't need the stress it's not healthy for you and your growing baby congrats and good luck

2006-10-25 16:35:17 · answer #6 · answered by lynn 3 · 0 0

hi rachel first of all congrats!! i was in the same boat as u,when i found out i was pregnant he was very distant with me,4 months into d pregnancy he dumped me.i was a emotional wreck but i had to stay strong for me and my unborn baby.he realised i wasnt gonna go running after him and a month later he was bk at my door sobbin 4 me to take me back,and i did.i had a full month to myself to think and be wit my girlies,it was jus wat i needed. i know u have a two yr old so its that bit harder,but if u sit and talk things tru u will get ur answer,ask him why he doesnt like to talk about it,or u will be worked up ur whole pregnancy!! like u me and my bf are 21+22,but were really happy now with our baby whos 7months now,but thats only because we had our differances and sorted them out,good luck hun enjoy xx

2006-10-26 04:06:43 · answer #7 · answered by shimmer 1 · 0 0

Judging from your use/misuse of words my guess is that you are both really young and he's not ready to openly talk about it. It takes guys in general a very long time to come to terms with the fact that they are going to be father.

Just give him some space and in a few weeks try talking to him again.

2006-10-25 16:33:59 · answer #8 · answered by Stacy D 2 · 0 0

not all but a lot of men do change through a pregnancy they feel they cant touch you as it may hurt the baby and they have no control through the nine months all the focus is around the women but the men do suffer as well.
just give him time it is probable still all a shock to him

2006-10-26 18:51:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1) He's worried and anxious about his ruined future (as you should be).
2) He doesn't want a child
3) He doesn't want to support a child
4) He is trying to figure out how to dump you
5) Does he have brothers and sisters? He may understand better than you what having a child really means.

Don't know how old you are (you seem very young) or what your religion is, but your boyfriend clearly doesn't want to be a father. I would strongly suggest an abortion if its feasiable for you. If not, adoption. Please do your baby a favor.

2006-10-25 16:33:09 · answer #10 · answered by kramerdnewf 6 · 0 2

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