This is an endorsement that should be made only by the payee. It's usually for the payee's protection so that no one can attempt to cash the paycheck. Perhaps your employer is trying to limit someone from actually getting cash for their check and wanting it to go through normal bank deposit process. However, this restrictive endorsement should not be a "catchall" for the employer. It should be left to the payee.
2006-10-25 07:15:48
answer #1
answered by MJ 4
I'm in agreement with I think everyone here. The endorsement section of the check on the back is for the recipient alone. Not sure if legal comes into it but they should not be doing it. It isn't their business whether you deposit or cash the check, or endorse it over to a third party. Once they sign the front, what happens next should be entirely up to you.
If they are so concerned about security and safety, they should offer you direct deposit.
2006-10-25 14:20:46
answer #2
answered by Key 3
The endorsement section is for the recipient alone. Stamping anything in that section is taking an action on your part without your permission. I'd say it's not legal, but I'm not a lawyer.
If it isn't stamped in the endorsement section (on the back), then it shouldn't actually mean anything.
2006-10-25 14:15:41
answer #3
answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7
It depends, if you are giving the check to him/her to pay for charges you have on your account, then yes, that way it is for deposit into their account.
Other than that I'm not sure I know what you are asking. Don't most people deposit their paychecks on payday?
2006-10-25 14:16:12
answer #4
answered by sesamenc 4
The endorsement section is to be used for the payee only. It does prevent it from being cashed by someone other than you but on the other hand, if you don't have a checking account, then you can't cash it either. So legally, no they can't.
2006-10-25 14:21:06
answer #5
answered by aint_no_stoppin_us 4
Its not so much a legal matter but its for protection. In case you loose the check you and the company will not loose out. You can always ask them to not do that but if its their policy they may not want to make that exception.
2006-10-25 14:16:44
answer #6
answered by triste_girl 3
Yes it is perfectly legal, in fact if they do not then it is illegal.
2006-10-25 14:21:33
answer #7
answered by 3